Ben McKenzie and SouthLAnd seaon 2 finale

Apr 07, 2010 20:43

Wow. I love this show. I mean, I liked it when is started airing and throughout season 1, but it's this season that really drew me in. It is so not just another cop show; it's so much more, and its sophistication and emotion really set it apart. I've read that it's been said by police officers and other professionals in the field that SouthLAnd is the most realistic depiction of what the job is like. Now, obviously I can not attest to that seeing as how I don't work in law enforcement, but those reviews alone make me respect the writers and actors even more.

More than anything, it's a show about the characters. Real, distinct characters; each is strong in its own way, in spite of its flaw, and maybe because of them. It's rare to see strong, individual female characters in television these days. In SouthLAnd, there seems to be equality and linearity in how the writers build both their male and female characters. It's been said that it's a show about what it takes to work in this field.

Ben Sherman is probably my favourite character, because I love seeing things from his fresh, rookie eyes. He's an excellent cop, no question, and he's a quick study; still, his perspective is unique in that he feels everything for the first time, much as the audience does.

I must confess, Ben McKenzie is the reason I started watching the show and gave it a chance. I have a lot of respect for him as an actor, and he's honestly why I watched The OC even when it got ridiculously bad. The reason I loved the OC, and ignored some of the soap-like plot lines, is Ryan Atwood. The character had so much potential, if you ask me, and Ben was excellent in portraying his complexity with his expressions alone. It's the angst that I loved, and that's why I was to ignore the cliche, "teenage-y" moments. And, though Kelly Rowan and Peter Gallagher were fantastic as well and also provided some much needed complexity, it was mostly Ben McKenzie that had to deliver most of that angle.

So, I followed Ben McKenzie to SouthLAnd. And boy, am I glad, because hell--that man can deliver good acting.

It better get picked for another season.

A strong, solid episode like the ones we've been getting continually throughout this season.

Raz coming back was a nice surprise, although I'm sad to see Ray go. I have to say that I love his and Lydia's relationship; it's the kind of trust that has built itself throughout years of partnership, which is based atop of friendship. They're so easy-going around each other, so completely willing to trust the other. I used to think that the writers were building them up for a romance, but that doesn't seem to be the case (I hope). The platonic aspect of it is part of the charm for me.

Sal and Susan's marriage seems to be over. Their daughter was completely infuriating this episode with the amount of irresponsibility she showed. Not that that's not to be expected from a teenager, but still.

John seems to be in real trouble, and Ben is right there with him. Chickie warned him not to make the same mistake she did, because John will take him down with him if he allows it. I think Ben's already at that point. Not to mean that John has "dragged him down," per se; he's just already too involved. I think this has been conveyed very well by the look on his face after Chickie had her say and left the bar.
I'm very interested in seeing how that will go, and what Ben will decide to do. Again, this show better get picked for another season.

The ending was nerve-wrecking and thrilling. I was on the edge of my seat, worrying on Chickie's behalf and hoping she will make it out of that forest. Not only did she emerge unharmed, but she captured the rapist all by herself. That was, just, wow. I had no doubt in my mind that she's a good cop, despite John's hammering, but it is my hope that she will stop doubting herself now, and get the respect she deserves from her coworkers.

Bonus: The OC wasn't all bad:

episode review, television, rec, southland

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