House 6x11

Jan 25, 2010 23:28

Loved this episode!

I enjoyed this episode, and thought it was well-written. I really liked the overall case of the psychopathic patient, mainly because we got to see her as more than just that.

I wish we'd had more House/Wilson, but after the last episode it's understandable there'd be less of a focus on them, and we still got some good scenes.

"That's why he'd never mate me." ♥ "-- It's a chess term." Heee. Oh, House.

I really didn't like Foreman this episode, although he did redeem himself by the end of it, sorta. But the whole, "What are we gonna do about Thirteen?" thing really bugged me. (Also, is he just bent on calling her Thirteen to try and appear professional about the situation?)

I liked Thirteen and her struggle with the patient, and I liked how towards the end she realized she's more than a disorder or a cold-hearted bitch. Her intervention made sense and all, but I just hope they don't overdue her moral struggles and make her the new Cameron.

I actually felt bad for the patient. It isn't her fault that she's like this, whether it'd been present at birth, or, like in this case, that her brain rewired as a result from her disease and probably emotional trauma. And it was really touching when she cried at the end of the episode.

I really wish there'd been more Chase. I feel like he has such a good arc this season, what with the whole murder ordeal, but ever since Cameron left it's barely been addressed. I really hopes his struggles resurface soon, because I feel it has a lot of potential and I'd love to see more of it.

I also hope Foreman and Thirteen don't get back together, mainly because I'm still cheer-leading for Thirteen/Chase. Or Thirteen/Cuddy, but I don't see that happening, sadly. Actually, my mom commented that she thinks Thirteen'd be good with House (because she can handle him), which made me think that Thirteen/Wilson might be interesting. Well, you know, if House and Wilson weren't so incredibly in love. ♥
But, man, all these possibilities! *giggles*

I liked House fascination with the patient as his internal struggle to find if he's like her. Honestly, I never bought the whole "I'm a selfish jerk" act. I mean, he is a selfish jerk, but he's so much more than that.

What I like about House's character is that he's so much more than what you see on the outside. I first became convinced that House is "good" in episode 1x14:"Control", when House risked his career to save the patient who'd destroyed her heart due to the Ipecac use that accompanied her bulimia. I consider it one of the best episodes of the show, and the scene where he asks her is she wants to live always brings tears in my eyes.

We all know House is fascinated with "solving the puzzle." However, often even after the puzzle is solved, he'd go beyond his way to get the best treatment for his patients. 1x14 is just the most predominant example that comes to mind because I found it extremely emotional.

And, even though he's not always eloquent in showing it, he cares about Wilson and Cuddy, and even his employees. The first significant House/Wilson moment of the show, for me, came in 3x07: "Son of Coma Guy." Mainly, the "Maybe I don't want to push it 'till it breaks," line. No one's ever understood all of House's defects better than Wilson, no one has been exposed more than he has, and he still sticks around. That, to me, says a lot. He'd also demonstrated that he cares about his team when at the opening of season 4 he struggled with the loss of his old team, when Thirteen experiences side-effects from the Huntington's trial Foreman puts her on, and, of course, in his struggle with Kutner's death.

My only point in all this is that, to me, there was never any doubt that House is nothing like the psychopathic patient.

One other thing I wanted to add was that I thought Olivia Wilde did an amazing job this episode. I love that girl so much. I started following her on twitter, and if her desire to help others is anything to go by, she's just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. (Actually, other way around, because -- although it's cheesy -- beauty comes from the inside.)

Okay, I seriously had no idea or intention to make this so long. Sorry. And if you read all this... you deserve a reward, or something. *bakes you cookies*

episode review, hugh laurie stimulates my ovaries, fandom, house, house/wilson is fucking canon

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