So there were Xmas drinks at my place on Saturday night. The plan was a few friends over for some mulled wine and fruit mince pies followed by clubbing at the local gay club. Of course my housemate Neil and I spent the afternoon cooking up a storm. He made a mushroom chestnut loaf and quiches and I did tarts and gingerbread. Neil also made sausage rolls, fruit mince pies, green tomato chutney and an apple sultana pie earlier. There was also mulled wine. Here are the Raspberry Almond Tarts I made and they went down a treat...
Raspberry Almond Tarts, originally uploaded by
What you need:
Half a packet of puff pastry
4 hobnobs biscuits
Juice from half a lemon
1 tablespoon of lemon rind
125g white marzipan
a large punnet of raspberries
6 teaspoons of Chambord (raspberry liquor)
Flaked almonds as desired
cinnamon powder for sprinkling
veg oil/margarine for greasing the pan
What to do:
1) Roll out the puff pastry and cut into twelve squares. Place each square in a greased cupcake tin, making sure the sides are covered.
2) Crush the hobnobs into crumbs and mix with the lemon rind and juice. Spoon a little into each of the cupcake tins
3) Cut the marzipan into thin slices and line the tins with it.
4) Place a layer of raspberries into the tins.
5) Add half a teaspoon of Chambord and as many almond flakes as you like to each tart.
6) Sprinkle with cinnamon powder.
7) Bake in a preheated oven for about 20 minutes (until the pastry is golden).
Some notes:
* You can use any other biscuit crumbs, I do like hobnobs though because they are vegan and oat-y and good for cooking.
* I usually use pre rolled puff pastry, but the block stuff was cheaper and it worked really well. Just make sure you flour the surface you are rolling on.
* Brandy would also work instead of Chambord.
* A light dusting of icing sugar would also work instead of cinnamon.