Nov 28, 2008 13:02
Hey, sorry I haven't posted in here within the last "23 weeks" according to LJ. Catching up will probably take some pages lol but I'll just condense. Nothing much has changed since last. Still no job and crappy luck finding one. I'm still applying but it only goes that far for me. I'm still trying though. Well, still under suspension which in my point of view is a forced break. I've taken the time to actually take a step back and look at where I'm going. Granted right now nowhere but eventually I will. My family has suggested me joining the Air Force or Coast Guard. Air Force not so much even though I have a friend in the AF but I might go Coast Guard. Naturally the military option is dead last but after hearing people talk I honestly think that it might actually help me. I say this because right now I don't have a back-up plan. So once I finish up with FCCJ I'm more than likely enlisting to the Coast Guard. Finish basic then finish college at UNF. Get my bachelors then become an officer. I believe that would be a good foundation for me to stand on my own two feet. From there I can work with the CG and write some stories on the side.
Besides school and work, or the lack thereof at this time, the rest of my life is ok. Due to no income I had to miss out on Metro and AWA this year but there was no way in hell was I going to miss out on EXP. Man, that was a fun con and boy did we bust my asses off lol. I practically was living off of Pepsi the entire weekend. By Monday I was worn the hell out lol. Hell, I was practically force fed to keep me going at some points lol. I still managed to have fun even thought I was Guest Coordinator and running around the majority of the time. Another memorable moment was meeting someone for the first time. Yes, it's a girl :P . Her name is Rachel and even thought it was our first in person meeting we've been talking online some time before the con. Heh, she recently added me on myspace so that's why I'm talking here instead of there. lol it's a Veggie Exclusive. She's an interesting girl and I do like her. The thing is when I first met her I had already learned that she lives in like South Florida. My mind told me that long distance never works so I just kept it at a friendly state and it is still now. However, I hope at some time it goes past that stage to a more close relationship. Today my parents punked me and found out about her and wanted to see a pic and they liked her. Dad was having a hard time figuring out what her nationality is because they believe she's hispanic. That I'm not sure of myself but I'm patient enough to find out soon. At the same time of keeping it so it's not rushed I'm also eager to be with her. Remember, she approached me and usually it's the other way around but to me it means that they actually have an interest in me. So there's hope in this one lol.
Other than that, today I'm with family in ATL and having some fun after Thanksgiving. Got myself a manga that I gotta check with my list to see if I already have it but I doubt it lol. Ok, that's pretty much it, cya round.