Ran out of milk this morning. This is a problem in so many ways but is totally made worse by the fact today is Thanksgiving (alas, the life of a Canadian) and stores are closed. Do I risk running out to the closest Starbucks? It may or may not be open. This is a serious dilemma (those who've seen me without my coffee/tea in the morning could attest to this).
This has already put me on a crisis mode, and adding to that is
this news. Tony Gilroy is writing out both Bourne and Matt Damon out of the next Bourne installment. What is this fuckery?
At any rate, plan to do nothing today except stuff myself with leftovers from last night and maybe do a Haven-marathon. Did get a China Mieville book last week, and right now have sixteen books on my bed, so I am completely and utterly set for the day. Joy!