I recently watched Whip It and now really want some skates. When I looked up info, though, inline is better for outdoor than Quad without having to switch wheels.
I've mostly only come up with Quad skates but I found
these Eco Friendly SkatesI sent an email to that company asking exactly what that particular skate is made of- as eco friendly, of
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Comments 11
As someone with vehement environmentalist and decidedly anti-civ ideals, I find it really hard to opt for synthetics over leather. I recognize that the skin of another animal is not ours to wear, but I find it very difficult to argue that we should supply a demand for MORE petroleum so we can have "leather-like" products.
My last pair of shoes were made from "man-made materials," but I'm really working on reminding myself that there is no Expert in a Lab just making this materials out of thin air--they're sourced from oil. And that's fucked up.
I can't give any kind of definitive opinion on it, as I'm not really sure where I stand on the issue yet. Just wanted to share my thoughts.
Or learn to make my own skates haha
I'm not sure if I implied I was looking for "leather like", but I don't really care what the blades look like as long as they don't kill my feet.
I recently bought Vegan shoes that were made from hemp and recycled rubber- I suppose I don't know how exactly how they reshape the rubber (more heat vs more chemicals) but I felt that was a reasonably good middle ground. Also the most comfortable shoes I've ever bought. ^_^
Good price and feels good on my sometimes considered extra wide feet (when it comes to shoes, I usually buy men's)
Google Sin City Skates cos they do a vegan boot too...though not sure if they do inlines.
sustainability wise, I read this article about how polyurethane makes up for the energy to use it, by being the ultimate in insulation when it comes to housing. I don't know how this would translate towards an inline skate however.
I suppose the people who say leather is greener is considering animals a "renewable resource" as opposed to our finite source of oil.
In the end, I opted to reuse another's gently used pair on Ebay. This way, I don't encourage more oil or leather use all around
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