Aug 01, 2010 02:57
Any recommendations for vegan-friendly dog treats that will LAST?
I have an 80lb Doberman puppy and two MinPins, and they go through (fake) chew bones SO FAST. I need to keep them preoccupied for a bit longer than the 30m-1hr they're taking to work through a chewie now so I can get some work done. I've tried Nylabones; the MinPins are utterly disinterested, and the Dobe isn't very impressed either, unless he's REALLY bored.
They're on Evolution (which I HIGHLY recommend), so 1) I'm clearly okay with paying a bit more in order to get vegan goodies (shit's expensive! ;)), and 2) I'd hate to feed them vegan dog food and then get non-vegan treats if I can avoid it (although they do get random treats as presents from well-meaning family members).
So. Is there a vegan equivalent of the rawhide? :-/