In a recent discussion I was having online about veganism, someone tried to tell me that veganism killed a comparable amount of animals to being omni because vegans consume more plants than omnis, and some farmers use lethal methods of pest control to protect their crops. This person worked in pest control, but wouldn't give me an estimate as to
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We do consume more plants than omnis, but way more plants are produced to feed the animals that omnis eat, so definitely fewer animals are killed when you eat a vegan diet.
In Australia, some people say we should eat kangaroos, but aside from other factors, the current cull and slaughter of roos provides a tiny amount of meat. Not enough to replace cattle, and there isn't room for any more free range kangaroos and we couldn't kill more roos as the roo population wouldn't survive. Also the roo population is fed on grain planted by farmers.
Unfortunately, situations are usually more complex than first imagined. Confounds me all too often.
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