Jan 30, 2010 19:19
In a recent discussion I was having online about veganism, someone tried to tell me that veganism killed a comparable amount of animals to being omni because vegans consume more plants than omnis, and some farmers use lethal methods of pest control to protect their crops. This person worked in pest control, but wouldn't give me an estimate as to how many animals were killed per whatever of crops.
I do not necessarily think this person is right, but zie brought up the amount of insects killed to protect crops (which is obviously going to be lot). I know that even organic farming will sometimes use lethal methods of insect control, so I'm wondering what your response to this would be? (Zie was comparing the amount of animals killed in veganism to the animals killed in actual free range animal farming, btw, not factory farming, so it's harder to take the "one suffered, one didn't"/"animals get fed grain" angle).
I'm also wondering if any studies have been done on this. I've done a little searching but could only find stuff about animals killed during harvesting, not killed during pest control.
arguments-small animals dying in harvest