Dec 03, 2008 14:06
The local vegetarian co-op is thinking of hosting a "vegetarian 101" class to help people understand the benefits of vegetarianism and how to successfully do it. I was asked and volunteered to be one of the speakers, but now am having some apprehension. No offense to the vegetarians in this community, but it will be hard for me to sit and listen to the other people teach the difficulties of vegetarianism when I see the world from the vegan view point. I've been vegan for four years now and I kind of forget, is it even hard to go to restaurants as a vegetarian? I feel like most places have a veggie burger or pasta and non-meat sauce or a salad without meat. It's not like you have to ask about what's in your pasta or ask for the cheese and egg on the side of your salad.
ugh, sorry, I'm getting rambly, it's just that this class has made me realize how I am starting to feel superior/elitist to people who are not vegan. I don't like this, because I'm not perfect and I realize people who are raw/ macrobiotic/only eat organic/etc. could look down on me.