I know this has been discussed to death, but I have some questions about cat food... I haven't been able to find any information from people who have fed their kitties on a combination diet of vegan and meat-based cat food. Is this a bad idea? I know cats are obligate carnivores, but does that mean they shouldn't be eating anything plant-based?
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They seem to the be the one brand I can find that doesn't factory farm and is all produced in the US.
I have two cats and I only spend about 16 bucks a month on cat food give or take... and I have also considered doing a half and half diet - and maybe I still will, but I've looked around and this seems to be the best "meat" brand and my cats really like it.
I'm not "creating" anything - I did not bring them into existence, both my cats are rescue.
I have never seen any long term studies on vegan cats and every single vet I've ever spoken with does not recommend a vegan/vegetarian diet.
additionally, i've met tons of entirely vegan cats. some of them even male!
cats live on vegan diets all over. that's the fact i'm talking about.
I've had multiple vets advise me on this, and as far as I know there is no research on this.
I've actually tried to feed a cat a mixed diet of vegan food and "meat" food and it would pick around the vegan food and not eat it.
And yes, there is history of male cats having urinary track problems with it and one of my cats has a history of this. (though only once, and it was it was treated)
You've met tons of vegan cats? That's amazing, ... maybe you live somewhere wonderful but I hardly have met any vegans at all... much less vegan cats.
I guess I've read a lot of contradictory information, certainly you can understand why someone might be concerned with the mixture of data out there.
I'll continue to look into this, but I suggest you may want to take a slightly different tone if you actually want to inform people.
'Gillen makes the point that at the very least vegans should try vegan cat food and see if their cats like it. He ends the book asking people to at least meet him halfway - feed your cat meals that have at least some vegan food mixed with the other food."
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