Feb 12, 2008 18:17
Gah! I just had to momentarily vent.
I don't know how many of you here have a well-defined set of ethics - like "first, do no harm" or "do unto others as you would have them do unto you," whatever. But it seems like there are just tons of people out there who will argue that there is no right and wrong when you start arguing animal rights with them.
A friend I respect and love even went so far as to say that Hitler was "admirable" in some ways, even though he did horrible things, because he believed he was doing the right things. Rather than concede that maybe some things are right or wrong, these are the lengths that people will go to.
I'm tired of the rhetoric of "personal choice" when it comes to eating animal products. Whatever happened to your choices end at the tip of your nose and then you have to start being concerned for others? I'm tired of people doing what "feels right" to them without working things out logically or using any kind of system of right and wrong to make their decisons.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Okay. Rant over.