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vgnwtch May 21 2007, 08:53:30 UTC
He also points out that it's important for vegans to ensure their doctors aren't relying on the standard B12 test:

A blood B12 level measurement is a very unreliable test for vegans, particularly for vegans using any form of algae.§ Algae and some other plant foods contain B12-analogues (false B12) that can imitate true B12 in blood tests while actually interfering with B12 metabolism. Blood counts are also unreliable as high folate intakes suppress the anaemia symptoms of B12 deficiency that can be detected by blood counts. Blood homocysteine testing is more reliable, with levels less than 10 mmol/litre being desirable.§ The most specific test for B12 status is methylmalonic acid (MMA) testing. If this is in the§ normal range in blood (<370 nmol/L) or urine (less than 4 mg /mg creatinine) then your body has enough B12. Many doctors still rely on blood B12 levels and blood counts. These are not adequate, especially in vegans.

You might find the Vegan Society's pages on B12 and iron helpful, and, as purpletigron mentions, Walsh's Plant Based Nutrition & Health (available in the US through Vegan Outreach's catalogue) helpful.


vgnwtch May 21 2007, 08:54:05 UTC
Hurray for html dorkery!


aprilstarchild May 21 2007, 12:56:34 UTC
It happens to the best of us all, sadly...


vgnwtch May 21 2007, 14:23:17 UTC
:::Refrains from egomaniacal comments about evidence for being the best:::


the_dilettante May 21 2007, 13:58:37 UTC
how one 'ensures' such a thing when one can't even mention MMA testing without being treated like a delusional crackpot remains unclear, however...
doctors in this neck of the woods seem to think it's roughly equivalent to a fairy-dust test, which is to say an imaginary test for something that doesn't exist. they've never heard of it, and don't care to look into it -- and why would they? after all, "you're not so special that there's a test just for you :::patronising chortle:::"


vgnwtch May 21 2007, 14:22:27 UTC
how one 'ensures' such a thing when one can't even mention MMA testing without being treated like a delusional crackpot remains unclear, however...

Marvellous. That's really helpful, isn't it? Do they not even respond to printed off articles on the subject, or are they just bound and determined not to learn? I'm so sorry you're stuck with that right now.


the_dilettante May 21 2007, 22:28:05 UTC
Do they not even respond to printed off articles on the subject?

oh yes, there's a response... just not a helpful one! -- ":::pushing article back across the desk without even glancing at it::: you've been on the internet again, haven't you? you really shouldn't just believe everything you read, you know".

it is indeed marvellous.
thankfully i have a good naturopath!


vgnwtch May 22 2007, 10:26:29 UTC
Oh, dear gods. There's none so blind as them that will not see. How bloody disheartening.


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