Well, a big thank you to
supercarrot for making this community.
I'm Jill, I moderate
cheapvegan. We have 1400+ members.
Here are my major problems:
I decided that I wanted a nonpolitical community because, as a general rule (and please, take no offense, this is only my own twisted opinion), I hate vegan politics. I hate watching vegans fight when there's so much to bond together for.
So in the
user info I requested that it be left to recipe oriented questions and posts.
Any of you who are members can see how that fell apart, and whenever I would delete a post I would be called an evil dictator.
So I tried leaving the posts up and linking to them in the info, in a "if you must speak of it, take it here" sort of compromise. Total failure, but I suppose I should have expected that.
I wanted to remain the solo mod (I can be a control freak sometimes), but I travel a lot and I'm gone three or four days in a row sometimes and it's just a mess when I get back.
And ever since LJ changed the way the communities do memories, I haven't kept up at all. I am months behind. I haven't even read about the tags.
I think what I need are two more mods. One to be an enforcer, who can watch the community with me and voice a second opinion, catch the nonsense when I'm not around (read: a lot of the time) and not be afraid to ban people. I have never banned anyone, and I think it's about time.
and one mod to help with the memories/tags. I think the community members of many communities would benefit from this.
supercarrot has graciously offered to help moderate even though she's already involved with elevendy-billion other communities. So, if the offer still stands, I would like to accept.