Oct 07, 2010 18:24
So, today I went to my local market and purchased a bunch of random vegetables that I have absolutely no idea what to do with! I bought:
-2 eggplants
-4 yellow zucchinis
-2 ridiculously huge cucumbers
-Some radishes
-A bag of carrotts
-Garbanzo beans
-Azuki beans
-Pinto beans
-2 green bellpeppers, 2 red
-Romaine lettuce
-Bean sprouts
I have a tooooooon of seasonings, I think I have some pastas, and I have no idea what to do with any of this :P. Halp? I'm down for trying anything random/simple/whatever. (Obviously use of all of these doesn't have to occur.)
make my dinner!!! the cooking game show,