Title: This is an Ass
Author: Vegablack62
Word count: 303
Rating: G
Characters: Benjy Fenwick, Robards, Catermole
Summary: A prank goes horribly wrong
Author's note: This is a late entry at the sq_drabblers community. Word prompt is potions.
Robards eyed Benjy glumly. It was humiliating to ask for help, but every attempt he and Catermole had made to remove the hex had just made it worse until he was afraid to do anything and too humiliated to leave his room. He couldn’t even go to Madam Pomfrey without revealing what he’d done which would lead to a lot of trouble.
It had all seemed clever at the time. He’d noticed a hair on Longbottom’s sweater and swiped it. He’d just learned how to make Polyjuice Potion and had thought he’d use it to play a joke on Frank. He walked up to Alice in Longbottom form just to have a laugh and maybe get some ideas on how best to go about things. When before he could say a word she pulled out her wand and hexed him, Alice who never hexed anyone.
“Alice did that?” Benjy asked pointing at the words, “This is not Frank Longbottom,” that blinked red and gold above Robard’s head.
A squawking bray, blared from the sign, followed by the shout, “This is an ass."
The last was too much for Benjy, who burst out laughing.
“Laugh! You’re not the one who’s had to hide in his room for hours.”
“When we tried to break the hex, the horrible braying started,” Catermole said mournfully. “I’m afraid to try anything else.”
“Who knows -- I could end up with an ass’s head. I thought it would wear off with the potion but it’s still here. Why would she do this? We’re friends.”
“You can ask her, but I can guess. Throw yourself on Frank’s mercy - he would think it was funny. Get him to plead for you and Alice might be grateful in the end.”
They looked at Benjy mystified as the ass began to bray again.