It happens to everyone. We're tooling through the produce section on a hot summer day and - oooohhhh! - a special on fresh strawberries! Now, what could possibly taste better than that on a summer evening? But, you overestimate your love for fresh fruit, and now, several days later, you're left with 3/4 of a box of questionable-looking strawberries.
This happened to me last night. Except about a week ago, my friend Matt brought over a quart of fresh strawberries from an organic farm that he buys all of his produce from. They were so perfect - I enjoyed them with pound cake and vanilla ice cream - then I forgot about them. So, I improvised my own version of a classic summer salad. Enjoy.
Serves 4
1 1/2 cups fresh strawberries
1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
2/3 cup olive oil
A sprinkle of basil
1/4 tsp black pepper
1 bag (5 or 6 oz) fresh baby spinach
1/3 cup crumbled feta cheese
1/4 cup sliced almonds
How to make:
1. To make the vinaigrette, combine strawberries, vinegar, oil, basil and pepper in a food processor, or a blender if you don't have one. Taste test and alter as you prefer.
2. Toss spinach in the vinaigrette, feta and almonds. Save some of the feta and almonds for garnish.
3. Top the salad with the extra feta and almonds.
Great for picnics...and with champagne!