Title : No, I don’t like him, seriously nee (sweats)
Chapters : 2/?
Author :
veechuu Genre : ……crack? ;o;
Warnings : 100% randomness. Un-beta-ed
Rating : PG-13
Pairings : UruhaxAoi, AoixKazuki
Synopsis : Uruha thinks he didn’t like Aoi at all. But why is he angry when someone gets too close to Aoi?
Comments : This is VERY short chapter ;o; I’m busy to death right now… T^T I’m so sorry.
Disclaimer : I saw them in pet shop yesterday, but I didn’t have enough money to buy them *is lying*. I don’t own then.
chapter one Today, I come to Aoi’s apartment. Nothing special, I just want to visit him.
He turns and gives questioning look at me.
“Um….. Do you free tomorrow night?”
He blinks stupidly. “No, I promise to visit Kazu-chan’s place tomorrow.”
“Oh. That’s sad.”
“ Um… Nothing… Oh my today is so hot, isn’t it Aoi-shi?” I pretend wiping invisible sweat on my forehead.
“Yeah, it is. I took cool shower this morning.”
“I picked the wrong cloth for today. It’s too thick.”
“Uh? Really? I don’t thi-“
“I think I will just take it off.” I take off my t-shirt slowy, revealing my broad (and sureeeeeeeeeeely so damn sexy) chest. From the corner of my eyes I can see him swallow his saliva. Oh my God, his expression is so epic.
“I’m trusty Aoi, may I take coke from your refrigerator?” I ask him.
Then he just nods without saying a word.
“Thank you.” I smile my warmest loveliest cutest angelic smile to him.
I walk to his refrigerator and then take coke from it. When I’m turning around, I find his eyes obviously glued at my body. I grin.
“So, do you free tomorrow night?”
“Uh….Definitely yes, Uruha….” He said in low tone weird voice.
“What about KAZU-CHAN?”
“Uh… I…. can visit him later…... Will we go to hotel- no, I mean love hotel- no, ah, ehm, I mean, where will we going to?”
“You’ll see.” I grin again as I pour the coke into my mouth.
Aoi’s POV
This is not good. Oh my God…. Why do I say ‘yes’ to Uruha? But, it was his fault! Why he has to be looked so damn sexy and alluring without outfit? LOOK AT HIS CHEST OMG! And the way he placed his hand on his hips is just so….. asdfgh @.@ He’s so irresistible.
But, what should I say to Kazu-chan? He was so bouncy and excited when I promised to visit his place tomorrow….
Um… should I reject Uruha’s invitation?
But, but, but, I can’t…. It’s URUHA! Think about it! Maybe….. He will take me to his apartment and then we can…. ///w/// Or maybe we will go to local bar and then get wasted and so oooonn~ Or…maybe we’ll be just playing stupid game or watching some movies… I don’t really care about the activity, as long as my partner is Uruha, then everything is fine to me.
Well…. Actually nee, Kazuki is not bad as a friend to have fun with. He’s cute, funny and makes me comfortable. But you SURELY can’t compare Kazuki with Uruha…. They’re just….different….. Beside that, everybody knows that Uruha is my ultimate crush, right? ^^
A/N : I will have first term test next week, so I maybe can’t update this series ;___; and I know this chapter is suck ;o; forgive me… T^T I just… stress… there are MANY task from teacher that I haven’t done…. T^T