Where is everything?

Oct 15, 2013 08:40

Thanks for stopping by my livejournal! My fanfic can be found on Archive of Our Own and my thoughts on fandom as well as announcements of new fic are found on my tumblr. I write almost exclusively Wolfstar (Remus/Sirius) though occasionally delve into femmeslash. I use my lj account primarily for signing up for challenges (I love those!) and commenting on the excellent fic of others.

My currently online stories (all Remus/Sirius unless otherwise noted) are listed below. A * means that I particularly recommend that one.

Longer fic:
*You Can Teach An Old Dog New Tricks -- A post-OotP AU where Sirius and Remus have Skype, play stripping games while drunk, and wank off together. Humour, mostly. (NC-17)
*Domestic Creatures -- The longest fanfic I've ever written and coincidentally one of the ones of which I'm most proud. Post-Hogwarts/First War With Voldemort fic about finding out what you want to do in life, learning to fight, playing cricket, and growing up. Humour and angst. (NC-17)

At Hogwarts:
*Thinking of England -- England wins the Quidditch World Cup and a bet has to be settled. Humour. (PG-13)
How to Combat Awkwardness with Maximum Ridiculosity -- A History of Magic lesson goes very wrong. Humour. (PG)
Maybe it's the fever talking, but... -- If someone will still snog you when you're ill, it must be love. Humour. (PG)

Post-Hogwarts/First War:
Slow Burn -- Sent to North Africa on an Order mission, Sirius finds that there's more to Remus than he ever knew. Drama. (NC-17)
*Dark Cathedral -- A brief moment during a battle. Drama/horror. (PG)
Work With This -- There's a war on, Remus can never get any sleep, and Sirius wants to take him on a date. Humour, mostly. (PG-13)
Confessions of a Futon Revolutionist -- It's a rare hot week in London and Remus is going crazy. Humour. (PG-13)
Escape for Another Day -- A brush with death during an Order mission brings Remus and Sirius together. Drama. (PG-13)
10 Letters from five Octobers -- Epistolary exchanges chart the change in a relationship. Drama, some humour. (PG)

*City of Aquatint -- An homage to the work of Evelyn Waugh and other writers who wrote about Oxford. Sirius goes to visit Remus, who is a student at the university after leaving Hogwarts. Drama, some humour. (PG-13)
*Lost That Easy -- Longing and a hint of suspicion, combined with a near-death experience in the Museum of Natural History, bring Remus and Sirius together. Drama, some humour. (R)

*The Routine -- It's what isn't said when Remus is leaving Grimmauld Place for an Order mission that matters. Drama/angst. (PG)

Sirius didn't die *fingers in ears* post-OotP:
The Long Road Home -- AU where Sirius falls through the veil into an alternate reality where England (and not Wales) was invaded by Nazi Germany. Somewhat inspired by Jasper Fforde's Thursday Next series. Angst, drama, humour. (PG-13/R)
How Strange it is to be Anything at All -- After Sirius falls beyond the veil, Remus will go to any lengths -- including calling upon the dark magic of the House of Black -- to bring him back. Angst, angst, so much angst, written immediately after I finished reading OotP, with some inspiration from Greek mythology and Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials. (PG-13)

Musical mixes:
Even in your wildest moments


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