RSKink Part 3

May 04, 2013 21:05

They don’t really speak for several weeks after that, though. Dumbledore (Albus, Sirius reminds himself, trying desperately to grow up) arrives the next morning and awakens Sirius from his perch on the couch to tell him that he’s needed for a mission. He only has time to text Remus to tell him he’ll be gone for a bit on a mission before he and four other Order members are dispatched to a remote corner of Britain with no mobile service, using Apparition despite the risk because of the urgency of the mission. They are all nearly killed by Death Eaters in an abandoned croft in northern Scotland, but they do manage to gather information about how the Death Eaters are encrypting their communications. Sirius spends the entire two weeks of the mission huddled in the damp cold, missing Remus so desperately that he feels like a phantom presence inside of him. Afterwards, at Hogwarts, Albus debriefs them and then they prepare to go their separate ways. Sirius is striding to the gates to Apparate and finally get to text Remus when McGonagall (Minerva!) catches up to him.

‘Sirius,’ she says, a little out of breath. ‘Are you in contact with Remus?’

‘I was before we left for the mission,’ Sirius says, and suddenly his palms are sweating and his stomach is clenched. ‘Is something wrong? What’s happened?’
She shakes her head. ‘Nothing yet, Sirius. But I think that the werewolf colony he’s staying with is likely to be compromised by a double agent sometime soon - someone named David Smith.’

Sirius’s body goes cold, but he nods and thanks her. Somehow he manages to Apparate home to Oxford. Standing in the garden, he takes his phone out of his pocket and texts Remus: ‘Please come home.’

The reply buzzes against his leg two minutes later. ‘Why?’

‘I’m worried about you. Tip from Minerva.’

Remus’s reply leaves Sirius frantic: ‘I can take of myself.’ He paces the garden for a few minutes before the phone buzzes again. ‘Skype debrief tonight? Have information to pass along.’

Sirius types back with shaking fingers, ‘Ok. Be safe.’

That night, he starts up Skype, and Remus isn’t there. He waits and he waits, his stomach increasingly clenched, clutching at a tea cup and later his wand, but nothing happens; the little green face that means Remus is online never appears. Sirius finally unplugs the headphones, sets the speakers up as loud as they will go, and goes to the kitchen to find pen and paper. He will not panic, he will not panic, ok, he’s definitely panicking. He stands in the kitchen, trying to think about what to say and who to write and debating whether or not he should head to Glasgow and find the werewolves himself.

As he’s standing, indecisive, he can see out into the garden. He notices a flurry of movement and tightens his hand on his wand. Then he realises that someone has appeared just behind the mildewy frog pond that marks the back end of the garden. He raises his wand, prepared to defend himself, and then realises that Remus is standing in front of him.

His mind temporarily goes blank. ‘What are you doing here?’ he asks.

Remus steps forward, and Sirius sees that he has a black eye. He shoves his wand into his pocket and reaches out, and Remus stumbles into his arms, and suddenly they’re holding each other. Remus says in his ear, ‘Fuck the mission.’

‘What happened?’ Sirius demands. He’s running his hands over Remus’s arms and back, frantically searching for wounds. ‘How are you here right now? You shouldn’t have Apparated, that was very dangerous! And what happened to your face?’

‘Fight,’ Remus says wearily, and he extracts himself from Sirius’s arms. ‘And the full moon was just two days ago, so there’s that too.’

‘I know it,’ Sirius says, sounding angrier than he’s intending to in his worried state. ‘I spent it lying in some Highlands mud on the shores of Loch Ness, thinking of you.’

‘Is that where you were? Why were you there?’

‘There’s a manor house at the east end of the Loch that’s being used by the Death Eaters. We were spying.’ Sirius takes a deep breath and realises that he’s shaking. ‘Were you careful Apparating? Could you have been followed?’

Remus shakes his head and they look at each other for a long moment. ‘I thought you’d be happy to see me,’ Remus says, uncertain.

Sirius huffs in exasperation. ‘I was just a bit worried when I warned you that I’d gotten a tip off that you were in danger and then you were an hour late calling me and then a strange man Apparated into my back fucking garden!’

‘Fair enough,’ Remus says. They look at each other some more. A chain of explosions are going off in Sirius’s mind. ‘I…’ Remus starts, and then he stops and looks Sirius up and down.

‘What?’ Sirius demands.

‘Did you really think about me?’ Remus suddenly looks very young.

‘I thought of little else,’ Sirius says shortly. ‘Fuck, Moony, you had me really worried there.’

‘I’m sorry,’ Remus says. They pause again, and then Remus says, each word sounding like it’s being dragged out of his mouth, ‘I… was thinking of you too.’

Sirius’s anger fades away abruptly. ‘Did you just Apparate back here to see me?’

Remus looks embarrassed, but also a little bit sly. ‘Well, I mean…’ He shoves his hands into the pockets of his robe and says, ‘Can we go inside?’

It’s starting to rain, but Sirius hasn’t spent his entire life in the British Isles to be deterred by water falling from the sky. ‘Did you really just quit your mission to come back here and see me?’

‘The mission wasn’t working out,’ Remus says. ‘I’ve done all I can and you were right, or Minerva was, but thanks for passing it on. The situation was getting very hairy.’

‘I’m glad you came back,’ Sirius announces. He’s going to get this answer out of Remus if it kills him, which is seeming more likely by the second. Remus may be a master of evasion, but Sirius knows all of his tricks. ‘But I’m confused. Is it because your mission wasn’t going well, or because you were kind of lying when you said you weren’t going to be romantic about this?’

‘Can’t it be both?’ Remus is plaintive. ‘Also, I wouldn’t have come back if I’d known you were going to be so smug. God, you’re such a dog with a bone.’

Sirius starts smiling and can’t stop himself. ‘Moony,’ he says, and them he just beams.

‘Padfoot,’ Remus replies. He looks down at his shoes. ‘I know I talked a big game about being jaded and not wanting to get emotionally attached, but… I couldn’t bear it when you were gone.’ He puts a hand to his head and runs it through his hair, the picture of exasperation. ‘You’re making me crazy, Padfoot.’

‘Not for the first time,’ Sirius says, ‘and I hope not for the last.’ He reaches out and takes Remus’s hand. It is large, and warm, and as he leads him inside, he thinks, I could certainly learn to like this.

They sit on the couch, six inches between them, connected only by the entwined fingers of one hand. Sirius’s heart is beating very fast; beside him, Remus looks lost in thought.

Eventually, Sirius asks, ‘Tea?’

Remus gives a little start and looks sideways at him. ‘I’d rather kiss you, actually, though tea sounds nice as well.’

Sirius starts to feel light headed. Remus tugs him by the hand across the no-man’s land between them and puts a hand onto his cheek. ‘You sure about this, Padfoot?’ he asks, sounding worried. ‘Because this is your last chance to say no. In ten seconds, you will officially be breaking my heart.’

Sirius’s breath catches and he says, though his voice sounds distant to his own ears, ‘You’ll have to forgive me, Remus, because I’m quite out of practice.’ He closes the final distance between them and presses their lips together. Remus exhales against his mouth and then Sirius remembers how this works and suddenly they are really kissing, and it’s just as good as the first time, except a lot less sloppy and a lot more sober. At some point, Remus puts both hands on either side of Sirius’s face and Sirius puts one of his hands on Remus’s thigh and finds himself gripping it quite hard. They break apart for air and Sirius stares at Remus with enormous eyes. His look is mirrored in Remus’s face, who appears a little bit stunned and glassy-eyed.

‘So I guess that’s a lot like riding a broomstick then, huh?’ Sirius asks.

‘You seem to have remembered it pretty well,’ Remus agrees hoarsely. ‘So, uhm…’

Sirius kisses him again, and then again, and then they are snogging like teenagers on the couch in full view of the back garden. They half lie down and Sirius attempts to straddle Remus but the couch’s springs are a little bit uneven and his knee sinks down behind the cushions and he almost elbows him in the face. Remus starts laughing and tugs him down for another kiss, this one losing technical points due to the laughter but somehow all the more satisfying, before he says, ‘So, should we take this to your bedroom or mine?’

Sirius considers for a moment, and then says, ‘Yours, I think.’

It takes a few minutes later of kissing their way down the hallway to wind up in the bedroom. Sirius shuts the door out of long habit and then steps towards Remus and puts his hands on the collar of his shirt with some violence.

‘What on earth,’ Remus gasps, ‘are you about to rip my shirt off?’

‘This,’ Sirius says, pausing only, determined to do this, ‘is your pay back for teasing me every time you get undressed.’

‘What?’ Remus’s has brought his hands up to grab Sirius’s. ‘First of all, I’ve gotten undressed in front of you what, three times now?’

‘And every time,’ Sirius says, tugging gently, testing the button strength, ‘you have done it at the most torturous pace imaginable.’

‘But then my shirt will be ruined!’

‘Are you a wizard or not? Do a bloody sewing charm!’

‘I hate sewing charms!’

Sirius leans in close and bites Remus’s ear a bit harder than might strictly be called ‘lovingly’. Remus moans and slumps against him, his hands going slack, so Sirius bites it again, even harder this time. Remus moans more loudly. Maybe this is ‘lovingly’, then, just not the kind of lovingly that most people like. Sirius catalogues that away for later and says in Remus’s ear, ‘Then I will do the sewing charm for you. Or I will buy you a new shirt. I don’t care right now.’

‘You could,’ Remus is breathless, ‘have, oh, god, don’t stop, just unbuttoned it by now.’

‘Yes,’ Sirius agrees, enjoying this immensely and pressing little bites down Remus’s neck to his collarbone, ‘but you brought it up, so you have no one to blame but yourself.’

Remus’s hands fall to his sides and Sirius rips down the length of the shirt. It flies apart and it’s so satisfying and buttons bounce everywhere around the room, ricocheting off of the walls and wardrobe and Sirius shoves the remains of the shirt off and casts it aside and runs his hands down Remus’s hard chest and thinks, yes, I can work with this, which is a relief, because he’d been a little bit worried that he wouldn’t be able to get into the whole male body thing but this is actually incredibly sexy. Remus grabs him again and shoves him against the door and then the rest of their clothes are flying off in a frenzy of grabbing and ripping and yanking; Sirius’s trousers and pants wind up pooled around his ankles, a tripping hazard that he can’t seem to kick free of, but it doesn’t matter, because Remus is biting and kissing his way down his chest, pausing to suck on his nipples before suddenly kneeling before him and shoving his thighs apart. When he buries his nose into the hot space above Sirius’s cock, Sirius manages to regain some semblance of consciousness and gasps, ‘Wait.’

Remus’s eyes immediately flick upwards, but he does not remove his nose or mouth from the vicinity. The look upwards is burning enough that Sirius almost loses track of what he was going to say and Remus holds his gaze just long enough to make sure that Sirius knows he’s not the only one who can be torturous this evening and then drops his eyes again and flicks out his tongue and curls it around the head of Sirius’s cock.

‘Wait,’ Sirius tries again. ‘Moony.’

‘Hm?’ Remus asks. He starts to lathe Sirius’s cock with his tongue. The heat is amazing, the wetness is amazing, the texture is so amazing… Remus stops and Sirius lets out a whine of frustration. ‘Yes? I do hope you’re not about to have second thoughts.’

‘Nuh,’Sirius says. ‘Nuh nuh.’ He tries again. ‘No, I mean, no. But I want to do. Things. To you.’ He slithers down the wall and it doesn’t take any effort at all because his legs have given up on supporting him anyway. Remus’s hands slide up his body as he slides down and he shivers into the touch.

‘Silly Padfoot,’ Remus says gently, ‘you can do things to me later.’

‘No,’ Sirius says, trying to be forceful, but it’s difficult when Remus has removed his trousers and pants fully now and is stroking his thighs and nuzzling his neck. ‘I want… to… Remus, you’ve got to stop that, I can’t think at all.’

Remus sighs and settles, wrapping his arms around Sirius’s shoulders. ‘What do you want?’ he asks, the picture of patience.

‘I want to make a, a, I don’t know, a gesture of good faith.’

‘Like what?’

Sirius takes a deep breath. ‘I want to suck you off.’

Remus looks floored, and then starts laughing. ‘That’s your good faith gesture?’ he asks. ‘A blowjob? Because maybe you’ve missed your calling as an ambassador. I think you could solve various world crises with that kind of thinking.’

Sirius glares at him and then pushes him forward, trying to negotiate him to lie on the floor. ‘I would think you’d be more appreciative,’ he says, frowning in concentration when Remus won’t lie down.

‘Really?’ Remus asks. ‘The floor?’

‘I’m looking for the optimal angle here.’

Remus starts laughing again and Sirius says, ‘You know, you could be a little more helpful. It’s been a very long time for me.’ He pauses. ‘I mean, if we’re talking about the whole sucking you off thing, it’s been an infinite amount of time.’

‘I know,’ Remus says, stroking Sirius’s shoulders. ‘I’m sorry. I should be more understanding. It’s just that, you know, you’re funny.’
‘I just want to be good at this.’

Remus kisses him so tenderly that Sirius feels like sinking into the floor and melting underneath his touch. ‘I know you do,’ Remus says. ‘I know. And you’re already a success. I’m having more fun than I think I’ve ever had in bed with someone and we just got naked. Think where the night will go from here.’ He kisses him again, much harder this time, and Sirius grabs at him frantically, suddenly on fire with lust.

‘Not the floor!’ Remus squawks as Sirius makes another play to push him down, and Sirius snarls in frustration and demands, ‘Are you always this picky?’

‘Remember the part where I got into a fight and then also the full moon was two days ago?’ Remus demands. ‘I don’t need to add friction burns to my list of injuries.’

Somehow, they make it onto the bed. Sirius successfully straddles Remus now and takes his time moving down Remus’s body. Remus writhes beneath him, his hands on Sirius’s shoulders and then in his hair, and it turns Sirius’s on so much that he forgets to think and buries his nose into the curling hair surrounding Remus’s cock and breathes in deeply. Everything smells of Remus and that smells amazing. Tentatively, he wraps a hand around Remus’s cock and strokes it, once. Remus arches his back and his fingers tighten in Sirius’s hair.

‘Uhm,’ Sirius hums, ‘any hints?’

Remus sits up slightly and Sirius enjoys watching his abs flex. He need not have worried about enjoying a very masculine body. ‘Hm,’ Remus says. ‘Well, the advice given to me was to… treat it like an ice cream cone.’

Sirius snorts. ‘That’s the advice you have for me? Mr Whippy?’

‘I’ve never had any complaints,’ Remus says huffily. ‘Then again, if you don’t want to…’

Sirius bends down and takes him in his mouth. It’s awkward for a second but then Remus’s hands in his hair tighten and he swirls his tongue and Remus gasps and then he starts to find a rhythm. He puts his free hand around Remus’s thigh and feels the hard muscles there. The noises Remus makes beneath him spur him onwards and when he draws back for a second to gasp for breath he sees that Remus is completely undone, back arched, hands clenched, his chest gleaming with sweat and so unbelievably sexy…

‘Are you deliberately denying me the privilege of you fucking my mouth?’ Remus gasps. ‘I have been fantasising about that since the first night on Skype!’

Sirius hesitates. He’s close to coming and he can guess from the tightening in Remus’s body that he is as well, but the thought of Remus even thinking about that is so hot that he wants to make it work. He has an idea but he’s not sure how it will work given his current amateur status in the sport of cock sucking. He’s an enthusiastic learner though, so he says, ‘Come here,’ and twists around, lying down on his side and tugging Remus by the hip towards his mouth. Remus quickly grasps what is happening and grabs Sirius’s thigh in an iron grip - oh god oh god oh god is all Sirius can think, it’s just a chant in his head - and then Remus, with much more grace than Sirius had, lines up Sirius’s hips and does something with his mouth that can only be described as fully swallowing his cock and then, yes, maybe it is like an ice cream cone, Sirius has no idea, he can’t think at all, his head is between Remus’s strong thighs and this is the most amazing, it’s the greatest, oh god, he squeezes Remus’s thigh, trying to indicate that he’s going to come, but it’s too late, and he can feel Remus swallowing and swallowing and then Remus draws away from him and gasps, ‘I’m going to,’ so he swirls his tongue around Remus’s head and holds onto him and he comes and comes. Sirius swallows and it tastes like some combination of salty and sweet, but not bad. Not bad at all. He lets Remus slide out of his mouth and buries his head in between his thighs. Remus laps gently at his cock for a few seconds and then pulls away from him, twists around so that they are lying face to face, and wraps his arms around Sirius.

‘How was that?’ he asks softly, stroking the fingers of one hand through Sirius’s hair and holding him tightly with the other.

‘I think,’ Sirius says, shaking a little as he lies there, trying to put things back together, ‘that I owe the Muggles an apology. Technology is pretty brilliant.’

Remus laughs softly against his hair. ‘I don’t know,’ he says. ‘I think the camera distorted some things.’

‘Like what?’

‘I thought you were sexy before, but I didn’t realise just how sexy until I got to touch you.’
‘Oh my god,’ Sirius says, almost sitting up. ‘Oh my god, we have to find Peter right now.’
‘What?’ Remus asks, startled. ‘Why on earth...?’
‘That little rat bastard owes me five galleons,’ Sirius says, eyes gleaming. ‘And James owes me five as well, so I’ll take ten from Peter. No, fifteen.’
Remus gives him a wary look. ‘Is this some bet you had about the size of my penis or something?’

Sirius shakes his head. ‘The bet was whether or not you were a romantic,’ he says. ‘I was the only one who thought you would be, you know.’

Remus gives Sirius a long suffering look and says, ‘Thank you for reminding me of the stupid bets you lot used to make.’ He tugs him down again. ‘Now shut up and never bring either of those people up in bed again.’

‘Again,’ Sirius says brightly. ‘So you think there’s going to be an again?’

Remus hums and says, ‘I’m not allowed to be romantic, so I can’t say.’

Sirius buries himself back down in Remus’s arms and kisses him lazily until he starts to drift off.

‘Hey Sirius?’ Remus asks eventually, nuzzling into his neck.

Sirius attempts to drag himself back to consciousness. ‘Mm?’

‘Why did you choose my room? Yours is closer.’

Sirius strokes the soft hair behind Remus’s ears and mumbles, ‘Well yours has a bigger wardrobe. And since I’m planning on sleeping here forever, I figured I’d like a place to put my clothes.’

Remus half sits up and looks down at him, bemused. ‘Forever? That seems like quite the leap from a few Skype wank sessions and what could easily be considered a one night stand from a friend with benefits. ’

‘Yes, but, we’re practically already married, right?’ Sirius asks. ‘I figured I’d give you a few weeks to get used to things before I talked you into making it official.’ There’s a little shake to his voice that he disguises with a grin. ‘After all, I pay the bills, you clean the sink…’

‘You’re upsetting the Church of England and a whole host of Tory backbenchers,’ Remus replies, but he’s grinning back. ‘And I can’t believe you haven’t cleaned the sink since I left.’

‘It hasn’t started smelling or anything. I’m sure it’s fine.’ He looks up at Remus, who is giving him what can only be described as a ‘loving gaze’. It’s sort of weird but it’s also really very wonderful.

Remus takes Sirius’s left hand and kisses his ring finger. ‘I suppose I’ll have to find something shiny to put on here then,’ he says, and a little thrill goes through Sirius’s body.

‘Who would have thought,’ he asks, ‘that after everything that’s happened you would turn out to be the one for me?’

‘Who would have thought,’ Remus agrees, and then he bends down to kiss Sirius again as he adds, ‘that anyone could teach an old dog new tricks?’


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