Been a slacker with the updating.

Jul 26, 2009 18:34

Just been kinda busy all they way around.

Watched the Torchwood miniseries. I'd never seen any Torchwood ever and since there was nothing on I tuned in and was hooked. That was frick-fracking amazing. I was on the edge of my seat and by the fourth part was just agog. Now I have to get a hold of the first two seasons. To me it was like how I got halfway through Serenity and was just amazed at how they actually went there and turned a simple sci-fi premise into such an epic thinking piece.

The Being Human series looks promising.

I pre-ordered the Green Lantern animated movie, I can't wait until it gets here.

Work has been decent. We're doing really well with a lot of things. It is kinda nice.

I want more books, but I have too large of a to be read pile. The goal this week is to knock some of that out.

I have to decide about MLing again for NaNoWriMo. Last year went really well but I'm starting to feel a little burnt out with it. I just have this feeling that if I ML again I won't have the time to actually get my 50k in. The first year I MLed I didn't finish, the second was absolute crap. I finished the third but barely. This past year I got the 50k written but then never finished the story. I think they are still stuck in a tavern somewhere. The first two years I did NaNo I finished and actually like the majority of what I wrote. I want that again and I'm not sure I can do that and the ML thing. We'll see. I have this problem every year.

Mr. Kitty isn't too old yet! Despite noticeable change in his behavior (more sleep, more water, no jumping on the bed) he hauled ass and caught himself a field mouse yesterday. He was so sad when it died and kept trying to make it move again. He even tossed it in the air a few times to try and get it to play. Mom got rid of it and he kept searching for it. We found another lump between his front legs. We're not going to put him through another surgery so we've just been watching to see if he's in pain and he ignores the lump (unlike last time). He's either 16 or 17. We have to take him to get his nails done soon so we'll have the vet check him then.

My critter getter loved my critter! YAY!
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