Still no HP icons.

Jul 15, 2009 22:44

I keep forgetting to make one. I really must remedy that soon.

I think this may be a movie I have to see more than once to firmly decide where I stand. I do wonder why they made the movie less violent than the books are, it even got a PG. The beating and the spell fight are very tame.

It moves FAST. There is no wasted time. However, I think it may have moved a wee bit too fast. I could have done with another 10 minutes or so, and the little children in front of me probably could as well. They were in that movie, undivided attention.

I have about the same amount of complaints that I did with OotP. It managed to stay very true to the books, but also make appropriate changes. The one thing I am really annoyed about was the lack of Dumbledore's funeral, but I'm holding judgment as I'm hoping that since they knew ahead of time that there would be 2 movies for the final book that they'll put it at the beginning of that. The man needs a funeral.

The other problem I felt was pretty glaring was that there is so little Snape in the movie. We didn't even get to see his class.

They brought Quidditch back, but for no real purpose other than seeing it. They changed the whole Quidditch plotline in the book. You don't get to see Ron suck at all, aside for one moment. Harry doesn't just up and kiss Ginny after the major win. They could have taken that time and given it to Snape is all I am saying.

However, the movie was beautiful on screen. Many of the shots just took your breath away. The trio are really good together, you really get to see Draco struggle, and Slughorn is very well developed. I really didn't like the actor who played teenaged Tom Riddle, but maybe I just didn't like his hair. He did look a lot like the younger boy. I know he's too old but Chamber of Secrets Tom was amazing.

Radcliffe has really grown as an actor, he's the best of the kids. Emma Watson is less stiff than the other movies which is a nice improvement. Rickman and Gambon are their usual awesome selves. Tom Felton grew a hundred feet.

Like I said, I will have to see it again before I can decide where it ranks for me, and I'm sure I missed some things.
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