Sloppy as Hell.

Feb 01, 2010 14:27

Since my last entry, our rotation of events has been pretty standard ... and while some have gone well, others have been sorta sloppy.

I'm not one to constantly paint a pretty picture or brag about the LS, because we're far from perfect ... and if you yap yap yap about how awesome you are, then people will start looking out for your flaws and make a huge deal about them when given the chance.  So since my last entry, we did a Proto-Omega which went well from what I heard.  We also did a round of 5 Ouryu Comeths, which went really well, I thought.  We got 5 Monarch's Orbs and a lot of junk for the monthly payout.  Then of course, we did Einherjar Sunday which went well too... another Wing 2 win.

How-EVAH!  As for some thing we didn't do too well ... Last Wednesday, we did a Dynamis-Buburimu and took forever to kill the damn boss.  I think it was more of a bad luck thing, because it used a Petro Eyes right as it got to camp after all the DDs two-houred so it took a little while to sort through that.  We finally killed it, but more people than usual died and the thing was alive running around like crazy for well over a minute.  The rest of that run was fine though.

The next slop was our T4 ZNM Tinnins on Saturday.  We popped 6 of them... the first 2 wiped us after killing all of our tanks, and the 2nd one actually depopped accidentally during recovery.  Not to mention that some people didn't understand what we were doing, so they pretty much MPK'd us a 2nd time on the wipes, since that stupid thing has Alliance hate.  It was a total mess.  After almost being disgusted and leaving, we switched things up for the last 4 Tinnins and they all went down really smoothly.  We got 3 PW triggers from the 5 we killed as well as 3 Enkidu's Harnesses ... so there's more people besides me running around in pink now.  I guess there was a silver lining to that whole episode.

Then finally, yesterday we did Dynamis-Qufim and while everything went great up to and including the boss, our farming time was cut short by a couple unfortunate link/wipes of Krakens, then Yags & Tigers.  I've said this before, but sometimes I think things go too easily or smoothly for us and when we encounter a situation that requires focus and determination, people get brain cramped or whatever.  Everyone has a job in a big ass link and if there's a breakdown along the way, then the alliance is more than likely going to be weakened or go down hard.  All told, we picked up 14 drops from the zone, so it wasn't horrible ... but just like the entry says, it was sloppy as hell.

Next up for the LS is a return trip to Sky for the first time in 2 months as well as our first Wing 3 attempt this go 'round.  It'd be great to get a win on the first try, I know we can do it if people show up and focus.

Other Stuff:
Bonanza Results!  I got a Khroma Ore and 8 statues.  :D  It's the first time I got anything other than a Rank 5 prize.

Salvage in January finished on a high note as we finally got 25 Usukane Legs from LBC, so Superfesty completed his 4th upgrade.  Not to mention, now the rest of us can start lotting those pants.  :D  We're up to 22 completed pieces in 9 months since we started.  That may seem a bit low, but seeing as we only go twice a week and we all pretty much started from scratch I don't think it's all that bad.  I expect to see more than 22 completed pieces in the next 9 months, as evidenced by the fact that lots of us are 2/3 on many, many pieces.

The unburdening of myself from the Bonanza marbles meant that I was able to finally buy needed Weapon Skill gear for my up and coming WAR.  I FoV'd a bit last night, then got invited to an East Ronfaure [S] party where I was able to use double XP band charges and attain level 62.  XP should still come at a reasonably slow pace for me, but I hope to make time for an XP party at least once a week if possible.

On the ENM front, Pulling the Plug keeps boning us with nothing good.  Not even a Somber or Startling cluster lately.  On the other hand, Sheep in Antlions Clothing give us our 2nd Hagun in a row Friday night!  It was the 3rd one overall and was welcomed with much joy.  Clan and Evan are both working on saving up for Ingots to complete Salvage body armors, so the more Haguns the better!

And finally, since I mentioned it above, here's the latest Proto-Omega drop breakdown:

Total Omega Drop Summary (46):
Homam Corazza - 15
Homam Cosciales - 17 (+1 Cloudpyro)
Homam Gambieras - 24
Homam Manopolas - 25 (+1 Archaon)
Homam Zucchetto - 26

znms, salvage, dynamis, nms, enm, limbus

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