Winding Down 2009

Dec 17, 2009 11:56

Not a whole lot to update here since the last entry about Odin.  We've done our normal rotation of events, but holiday parties and school exams have been keeping our numbers quite low and we have had to adjust a bit.

This past Sunday, we were supposed to do a Dynamis-Qufim but only had about 22 people show up, including no tanks nor people with experience hunting down the target that unlocked subjobs.  I figured we could get in and make a good go of it, but instead we just opted to do a Dynamis-Tavnazia instead.  It was a pretty good run as far as Tavs go ... we got a BLM Hat, WHM Body, PLD Legs, and a few other AF2.  We also got our 4th AF2-1 Body ever and it was RDM.  That was pretty cool.  The most amazing thing was that we got 4 Hydra pieces from the Taurs... none of them were the Haubert, but it was cool to see so many drop anyway.

We knocked out a Proto-Ultima as well, getting even more Turbans and Crackows (sigh)

Total Ultima Drop Summary (12):
Nashira Crackows - 7 (+1 Charliekun)
Nashira Gages - 4
Nashira Manteel - 0
Nashira Seraweels - 5
Nashira Turban - 8 (+1 Deuteu)

We worked our way back to Wing 3 in Einherjar, but of course as is our habit lately, we can't seem to knock out a Wing 3 on the first try.  We got the Chair Dude boss last night, but ultimately wiped because important people (Kiters & BLMs) eventually died without RR and the Demons overwhelmed us.  Things were looking really good to start, but in fairness we were light on BLMs and had an inexperienced kiting team so things ended up as they often do on that boss.  It's annoying that we've beaten it before, yet simple mistakes lead us to defeat.  We've got one more chance at Wing 3 before the Holiday break, provided enough people show up, so we'll see how that goes.

In non-LS related news, I've started to work on leveling WAR by gearing it up and doing some FoV in my spare time.  I've got all my gear mapped out to around level 50 so I just need to go out and get some levels.  42 and climbing at the moment.

Salvage has sucked a dick in December.  Serves us right as karma for having such a good November.  Hopefully things change up a bit as we hope to do more Salvage than normal while the LS is on vacation.  I don't know how that will end up working out because people are generally apathetic towards salvage outside our normal twice a week runs, but I hope we can at least kill some bosses to complete some pieces as well as get some damn NMs to pop in Bhaflau.

Merits are slowly coming, but I'm not sure if I want to stick with my original plan.  First order of business is finishing Group 1 merits on THF, which was originally intended to be 5x Trick Attack Recast (5x Triple Attack has been complete for years). But now I'm thinking I don't want to spend so many points on those 4th and 5th upgrades, so I might just do 2x TA and 2x SA instead.  Then either toss an upgrade toward Flee Recast or a 3rd TA upgrade cause I'm cheap.  >.>  COR merits are completely done, so after I do Group 1 THF, I'll need to figure out what's next between RNG, DRK, and NIN.

Anyway, I'm excited about the holidays as well as not having any events to do for a few weeks.  I just hope holiday attrition isn't that large and I won't have to look for new members in January.  We usually do though, which is disappointing and annoying.

salvage, limbus

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