Tweets for Today

Oct 02, 2008 00:10

  • 01:26 @ Quilljunky Refer to him/her only as "minion." It's only right. #
  • 01:27 @ Quilljunky Speaking of minions, did you tell that Venture Bros. guy how much I love the show he works on yet? #
  • 13:08 @ eaners I use it all the time. Start button and type the program's name so I don't have to use the mouse. Other than that, Vista is just OK. #
  • 22:46 @ Quilljunky !!! I'm going to go to the local office tomorrow and volunteer. Not just so I can get presents, either. #
  • 23:51 @ eaners Andy Dick doesn't do anything that doesn't involve free blow. I know that. You know that. Andy Dick knows that. #
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