Tweets for Today

Oct 01, 2008 00:16

  • 11:32 @ eaners Yeah, man. Share the wealth. #
  • 11:54 @ eaners LAME. #
  • 11:57 @ eaners Oh, I'm not jealous. I just wish I could have gotten one, too. And if you get another alert like that, feel free to pass it my way. #
  • 12:41 @ scottsimpson Additional ammunition: bagged milk. #
  • 14:09 Refresh my memory: what do I do if the play+center trick doesn't reset my iPod and it's stuck on the red no-sign screen? #
  • 14:16 @ eaners I tried that earlier and it didn't work. I thought I was just doing it wrong (again). Thanks! #
  • 14:18 @ timacx Yeah. @eaners pointed me to a KB article that worked, despite being exactly what I had already tried. #
  • 14:22 @ eaners Oh, it did work this time. It's the previous-gen iPod video and it got stuck in do-not-remove, causing iTunes to lock up. #
  • 14:25 @ eaners I think it's a fluke of iTunes 7 in Vista. And 8.0 causes bluescreens, so I'm waiting on 8.1 before I upgrade. #
  • 14:31 @ eaners Have you used it? On a computer that meets suggested system requirements? Because it's fine by me. #
  • 14:32 @ eaners It's just "fine," though. Not exemplary, but acceptable. I do love the searchable start menu, though. That's worth the other quirks. #
  • 19:10 @ timacx It's a euphemism and you know it. #
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