And I Am So Relieved

Sep 10, 2002 20:38

I did it. I dropped the class that I was stressing out about. I no longer have Monday's off, but it's worth it. I Don't know if I posted my scedule or not, but if I did, please bear with me here.

6-9pm - Senior Project - Kelly - I don't know how this class is going to be cause I just added it today and haven't had it yet, so we'll see. But it is a guy teacher and he's young, late 20's. So it should go a lot better than a WOMAN!

9-12 - Shakespeare - This class rules. I had the teacher for a different class last semester and he's just funny and awesome and totally gets me interested. You don't even really have to read the books to pass this class, just pay attention in class. But I took this class because I wanted to read the plays, so I will do so.

9:30-12 - Abnormal Psychology - Well, I'm not sure about this class yet. I slept in last week, so after my mad dash for class, I was stuck sitting next to an open window which made it pretty hard to hear the teacher. I was also pretty down and just couldn't keep my mind focused. I think I'll do better tomarrow.
5-8 - Web Design - Oh man! This class will be great. I don't need it. I just felt like a bum with only 4 classes though. So basically I am going to get a grade to learn something I already know, and I will get an online portfolio out of it, which I really need to make anyways. On top of that, I love the teacher! And it's not a crush thing like with Shamir. He's just a really cool guy that I can talk to about design and computers (yeah yeah nerdy graphic design guys!). Anywyas, this class will be a blast.

3:45-4:00 - Goslin - Yup! a fifteen minuite class! Basically, you go in for 15 min, and he crits the work you've done for the week. I've heard he's a cool teacher and I like the work I have seen come out of his clases. Plus, he is this adorable old man! I just wanna hug him! Don't worry, I think I will be able to restrain myself.

That's all my classes. So, I kind of still have a four day weekend since I don't really have to be here until 6pm Monday night. Anyways, I feel in much better spirits now. I hope this feeling doesn't fade again.

Random printmaking guy talked to me today! I always see him around the printmaking rooms and wanted to talk to him, cause I love printmaking! And so today I sat next to him on a bench and he started talking to me and he's a cool guy. I can do this social interaction thing! I hope... Naps always make me feel better.. mmmmm
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