Sep 10, 2002 11:21
Ok, well I have not posted in a while. I suppose it's because I have been in a pretty bad mood and just not wanting to post about that. I don't want people to think all I do is complain. So, I just got out of a class and a girl I know in there said she had Washington (my one senior project teacher) for graphic design and that she is just a horrible teacher. It's not cause she is strict or a hard ass, but just a bad teacher. This is my senior year and very important so I don't think I can afford to just take a chance here. I went to the commd office to see what other senior projects are open, but the guys in charge there were out so now I wait. It would be awesome if I can keep my four day weekend, but I am willing to give it up if that is what it takes to get a teacher that I will learn a lot from. So, we'll see.
Now, maybe I will be able to party this weekend! There's gonna be a party at Dimitri's apartment building so I figure I will go and hang with Dimitri and Trevor and if worse comes to worse and I am left all alone at the party and feel uncomfortable, I can always go down and hang in Dimitri's apartment and watch tv or play games. Excellent out! Maybe I will see people I know and be brave enough to go up and talk to them, but I seriously doubt that. I am so terrible at dealing with people :/ I wonder if it's something I did to myself, like something that happened in my childhood or if this is just the way I am and there was no preventing it. I will try to be outgoing and interesting! If you talk to me on Friday, and I say I am not going, please kick my ass until I agree to go -.- I really need to get out!
Ummm, I tried to post this using semagic and the "Post Entry" bar is greyed out.. does anyone know what this means?