(no subject)

Jun 12, 2011 21:55

The AO3 uploader hasn't been working for me recently for LJ (I understand that this is a general problem), so I have been uploading some old fic from my webpage, which does not work as smoothly but does work. This mostly means some older XF fic -- and of course I reread as I go. I had forgotten how frequently I used the Balkans as a setting (although it was generally justifiable for plot of character-related reasons); I didn't post one or two things last week, because of the news about Radovan Karadzic. It just seemed weird and tacky.

I am also remembering my issues the X-Files. Wow, do I have issues; I can't even watch an episode now. Anyway, the short version is that although I kept watching, canon and I parted company definitively after Two Fathers/One Son: nothing after that made any sense to me at all, and frankly, given how little sense most of the stuff that happened before then made, that's pretty damning.

The next thing I think I should post is Parallel Catastrophes (which for those of you who joined this journal after 2003 or so is a crossover between XF and Harry Potter in which WMM is Pansy Parkinson's grandfather and Marita Covarrubias and Narcissa Malfoy are sisters. Obviously, this was all before OOtP came out.) The problem is that there's a huge plotty story which I have never posted, because I don't like how it starts, and I haven't even looked at it in a couple of years -- but it needs to be there to make the fragment I wrote back when I did that big crossover meme.

* * *

Speaking of which, I saw this meme at
rhi's journal:

Give me two fandoms and I will tell you about their crossover OTP(s).

Like Rhi, I'll add a plural, since there may be more than one, and add that my OTPs may be gen.

This entry has also been posted at http://vaznetti.dreamwidth.org/17736.html, where it has
comments. Please comment here or there, as you like.

xfiles, crossovers, memes, writing

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