Holiday was good. Pic spam will follow (once I've named, cropped and deleted my way through all my pathetic shots - anyone would think I spent the whole time drunk, given how blurry all the shots are. Damn the dodgy wrist from hell.)
I just wanted to post
this link to the joke remixes of the Atheist/Christian London bus slogan wars. I gacked it from
luciusmalfoy via Facebook...
Played with the Sony e-reader today. They're actually starting to look good. I can pick it up better than I can one of my weighty book tomes.
Battlestar Galactica - I spent the last half of the finale yelling at the TV being cross. Did not like. As for that last shot - for a show that had usually been quite subtle, this was the equivalent of an ACME 100 ton weight. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Dollhouse - A good episode! *checks the writer* Huh. Well, that explains that then. A concept is only as good as the team of writers. Maybe get Jane back from mucking up BSG - she worked magic during the Whedon golden years.
Droo - spoiler photos are out in full force. And they are doozies.
Looks like we're resigned to being here at least until mid-May: bought tickets to see Captain Picard vs Gandalf (aka Waiting for Godot) and Dana Scully versus The Doctor (aka Ibsen's Dolls' House)...