Jan 02, 2006 23:44
Hats off to a pretty good year. Now ill do what michelle did.
+ Great New Years outing
+ Bowling at Lanes and Games
+ Month of: Sex and the City and Strokes, Ramones and Jet
+ Expanding to get to know my 'outer family'
- -Parents not on good terms= hell
= +3
+/- Ashleys surprise party
- situation with friends starting to slip
+/- Getting of Lisence
+ Superbowl (:
- No Valentine ):
+ Start of mary/george/farris dinner dates
+ Start of naked-pidditle playing
+ birth of 'the hippies'
- continual friend-slippage with a few regulars
= +1
+ Boston outings start up again
+ strip poker
+ new car! the W.A.G.
- me= scared of highway
+ Month of: frank sinatra, copeland and straylight run
++ Ashlee Simpson concert!! (yep. thats worth two +s)
- Math and Track are hard. hah.
- String of poorly made movie seeage
+ have a prom date. woop.
= +4
+ Wizard of Oz
+ Straylight run and copeland concerts
- Pope died :( aww
+ Charles river is good.
+ got to know monique, john maynes and nick better
+ Fever pitch! (start of red sox fever for moi)
+ Month of: tension and Terror, Helena
+ If it wasnt for salem, i wouldnt know i had a boyfriend!
+ Cops come to house on account of heavy half-football playing
- Friends betray
+ Resevoir is cold but fun
+ Start of Beach-Fever
+ Boston visits continue
+ Emilys house party with rap/accoustic jane
+ There are fireworks at easter
-we never get to go to the carnival (Well we do but it rained)
= haha + 11 niiiice
-AP tests
+ 50 dollar prom dress
+ Alicia smith was born just 17 years ago
+ I decide to go to prom with stan
+ I get to go to a carnival! (at the Woburn parking lot?)
+ crazy party at jess’s (early)
+ late night elise swimming
+ lotsa days off from school
-crazy party at jess’s (late)
= +5
+ school is easy
+ junior prom
+ senior prom
- nates grandma dies
- friends begin to desert me
+ palm tree purchase
= +1
+ start of really therapeutic poolside Emily visits
- once again drugs take advantage over me (I guess theyre more interesting than i)
+ fantastic new beach obsession
+ new glasses!
- lotsa jobs
= +1
+ vacation in Hyannis
+ family closeness
- friends really are out of the picture (sorta surreal)
+ Gym membership!
+ personal wellness- I improve my life for the better (Even thou I didn’t realize it so much then)
-wah school
= +2
+ radio shack!
+ great rush for the new schoolyear
+ fun ‘school’ outings
-I feel remorse for lost friends
+ that easily goes away with all the other friends I get better known with
+ my cousin had a wedding
+ jack Johnson concert
+ 1st red sox game everrrr
- abnoxious, cowardly ‘mystery commenter’ attacks livejournal
= +5
+ senior review
+ parent teacher night followed by Wendys “oh NICK” haha.
- andre and lilly weird at Halloween party
- rickie and Monique visit at northeastern = lame
+ me= mary tyler moore (ron burgundy= francis= couple) haha fun NHS! halloween Party
+ “hev you dan your hhhhhhomeworkkkk” = funny jewish lady at trick or treating
+ lots of chocolate
= +3
-SATS! Eww
- open mic night, fun but not great turnout of people
+ string of FANTASTIC MOVIES with jane, michelle and mary (shopgirl, walk the line, pride and prejudice)
+ fun Amherst trip
+ month of ‘the good life’
+ finally got to see the open studios at the common
- ordeal with Mr generoso
+ elises house party haha (greg and greg) - some things never change
+ month of: arrested development
+ I love my second graders
-I gave one of my second grade boys a girl present (woopsie daisy)
+ nans cute chick-party (husband jokes)
+I love boston- especially when I go shopping with michelle and find cool stuff in obscure places
+ 2nd Higgins party = movie tickets, soxanddddd earrings
+CHRISTMAS!!! I looooove Christmas = ipod, aviator jacket!, cute skirt and top, FCUK perfume = GREAT CHRISTMAS
+ GREAT NEW YEARS EVE. Boston, pretending to be English, fireworks on the roof, free crackers, broken swords, drunken Bostonian guys who look out for us when we cross the street
= +6
oh yeah-hats off to a GREAT YEAR. There are no regrets, no loose ties-everythings taken care of. Its nice.
= +44