fini! well, for the quarter

Dec 07, 2006 11:07

This quarter was... well, pretty difficult and I'm glad to be out on the other side still alive and with most of my sanity left.

I had two take-home finals due last week on Thursday and Friday. Then, my German final was at 8am on Tuesday and my Phonology paper was due at 5pm, but I turned it in at 2, 2:30ish. I came home, helped boost the local economy via my liver by having a glass of Big House Red from Bonny Doon and some delicious super dark organic Trader Joe's chocolate while playing Burnout 3 on the Playstation for a few hours and gasp! Actually hanging out with the housemates.

I had organized a "Yayphonologyisfinallydone!!" Thai dinner that night at Sabieng at 7pm. I invited Melanie, Yann, her French boyfriend who has just moved here 2 weeks ago, Chris and Christine. We had tons of delicious food, went out for frozen yogurt afterwards at Yogurt Delite, chatted for a while in the parking lot and then Melanie invited us over to her ginormous house. After a cuppa chai, she proposed a great idea; for all of us to chill in the 8-person jacuzzi she has in her backyard. Since she could provide suits for all of us, we all really couldn't refuse. So we spent 2 hours or so in the jacuzzi talking about everything and anything, from our travels to politics to our crazy parents, etc. It was just great to hang out with friends without being under the pretext of having to work on a looming bitchy homework assignment and to discuss that. Was definitely a nice way to end the quarter since I really did not have a life for the past 10 weeks. I believe that everyone should end their quarters or semesters in a jacuzzi with good friends after a tasty dinner. Tis highly recommended.

So now that I'm completely done with everything, I've moseyed back over the hill to Mom's house and doing some serious relaxing and snuggling with my insane cat.

On Friday evening I'm going over to Kat's place in SF to have a girly night and catch up, which will be loads of fun. Then on Saturday morning I fly out of San Francisco to Manchester (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). I'll be in England from the 10th to the 20th with Stu :) It'll be so great to be back in England again. I've definitely missed that part of the world. And Stu of course as well! It's definitely my second home (and I guess you could consider Grenoble my third home :P), and it was so awful to have to leave it in June.

So right now I'm focusing on keeping my immune system boosted since I always get sick without fail when I go over there in the winter... I've got myself prepared though by building up stock piles of Airborne and OJ and what not in my system. And by getting plenty of sleep, trying to not stress out (I always get sick after stressful situations are over with). I plan on taking Airborne like every 4 hours on the plane and after I arrive.

That's the plan.

I can't wait for Saturday :D :D :D Sunday will be even better because I'll actually be in England!
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