I'll be using first even though this got kinda tl;dr. The other tags should be shorter. |D;first_scornedSeptember 15 2010, 03:31:45 UTC
[ While Naoya hadn't, of course, made himself even remotely known while he had been at that party and nearby, he took the time to snoop around the Agency's four little detectives and observe them while their defenses were down enough to do so. He wanted to see what these children were working at... to see what he was up against; to see if they, as self-proclaimed 'detectives' would be more than just an irritation. He needed to know if someone were to get in his way or foil his future plans, and if they were truly law-aligned. There was nothing he detested more than the arrogance of youth and the self-righteousness of those who considered themselves part of the "law". Those types sickened him
( ... )
It's okay. Philip loves them big, /shotkeyword_bingoSeptember 15 2010, 08:52:26 UTC
FROM:Philip@Narumi Detective Agency.vat.network TO: @ .vat.network SUBJECT: Re: ↓ ↓ ↓ CONTENTS: I am fully capable of conducting my research from this location and without my partner to hold my hand. If you wish to rile me and lure me outside, you will not succeed.
[Philip set aside his book, a quiet expression on his face as he watched the screen of his SFC. He had an inkling as to who was the one that had send him this message. The style closely matched that of the one he had argued with before. Perhaps he was letting himself get a little to reckless but-- no, this was something he needed to deal with. At the very least he had to find out as much information as he could on this person.]
[ Not the response he'd hoped for. Or, perhaps it was--this would be FAR more interesting than he'd originally hoped for. With a smirk, Naoya moved locations to the rooftop of a nearby building, waiting with his reply in order to prolong all of this. Was Naoya above kidnapping people for his own entertainment or to learn things...? ... Well, no. Not really. Though he generally preferred to simply lie about such things, as handling people like that was time-consuming and dangerous, not to mention messy.
However, he was not above lying that he had. And as far as anyone else knew, he was quite capable of doing so. He just opted not to. FROM: @ .vat.network TO: Philip@Narumi Detective Agency.vat.network SUBJECT: ↓ ↓ ↓ CONTENTS:... I assume you're hoping to find information on me? It's regrettable to say that you really won't find anything... although, you could try. I know you have a method with which to find everything you need, but you could never find more than similar search results on your own. Essentially, you are a search
( ... )
BRB COMING TO PUNCH NAOYA IN THE FACE. right after I finish Philip's American Novel of a tag.keyword_bingoSeptember 17 2010, 00:35:01 UTC
[The SFC slid from his fingers onto the leather couch with a soft thud, Philip´s mind already racing, his eyes flicking from side to side as he thought. Shoutarou? Could this man have-- No, Shoutarou was strong. And the belt had not appeared. Clearly there had been no danger--
No, that was a dangerous assumption. This criminal was dangerous, unpredictable. There was nothing to say he had not attacked Shoutarou from behind. Besides, Shoutarou was too kind, too halfboiled. It would've been easy to lure him into a false sense of peace and then--
Aki-chan? Terui Ryuu? They had left together, had they not? Accel could protect Aki-chan. It seemed Accel even had unlocked some new powers. A good thing, he suspected, but new variables that threw of his calculations. Could this person have captured the three of them already? Or was it just Shoutarou he was threatening?
Philip shook his head. No, he had to think. Didn't have time to think. Couldn't rush in recklessly. Had to rush in recklessly. Fang's soft growl onto barely registered, though
( ... )
Comments 22
TO: @ .vat.network
SUBJECT: Re: ↓ ↓ ↓
I am fully capable of conducting my research from this location and without my partner to hold my hand. If you wish to rile me and lure me outside, you will not succeed.
[Philip set aside his book, a quiet expression on his face as he watched the screen of his SFC. He had an inkling as to who was the one that had send him this message. The style closely matched that of the one he had argued with before. Perhaps he was letting himself get a little to reckless but-- no, this was something he needed to deal with. At the very least he had to find out as much information as he could on this person.]
However, he was not above lying that he had. And as far as anyone else knew, he was quite capable of doing so. He just opted not to.
FROM: @ .vat.network
TO: Philip@Narumi Detective Agency.vat.network
SUBJECT: ↓ ↓ ↓
CONTENTS:... I assume you're hoping to find information on me? It's regrettable to say that you really won't find anything... although, you could try. I know you have a method with which to find everything you need, but you could never find more than similar search results on your own. Essentially, you are a search ( ... )
No, that was a dangerous assumption. This criminal was dangerous, unpredictable. There was nothing to say he had not attacked Shoutarou from behind. Besides, Shoutarou was too kind, too halfboiled. It would've been easy to lure him into a false sense of peace and then--
Aki-chan? Terui Ryuu? They had left together, had they not? Accel could protect Aki-chan. It seemed Accel even had unlocked some new powers. A good thing, he suspected, but new variables that threw of his calculations. Could this person have captured the three of them already? Or was it just Shoutarou he was threatening?
Philip shook his head. No, he had to think. Didn't have time to think. Couldn't rush in recklessly. Had to rush in recklessly. Fang's soft growl onto barely registered, though ( ... )
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