There's a Kraken here. Still.

Oct 11, 2011 11:56

Characters: Squall Leonhart and people who want to meet him!
Location: Near the restaurants and shops
Time: Morning
Style: Whichever you prefer
Status: We're OPEN!

He has better things to do than look at not really )

onion knight, selphie tilmitt, squall leonhart, kohaku hearts

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dystopiadreams October 11 2011, 17:26:48 UTC
Squall didn't have to wait too long. Soon enough, Selphie came by. She'd headed out with the idea of treating herself to some cake from her favourite cafe. After all, she damned well deserved it.

The fighting had exhausted her, and the healing had too. Using magic in Vatheon seemed to drain all her energy so quickly. She looked tired, but far better than she had done a day or so before. So when she saw Squall, she was at least able to give a bright smile and a wave, "Hey!~"


requiem_griever October 11 2011, 17:36:15 UTC
Trust Selphie to be able to find him even in the middle of a city. Not that Squall didn't want to see her. Her presence was a comfort to him, someone familiar while he was stuck in this world that was still strange to him.

"Hello, Selphie," he replied. "You look well." Much better than when he had last seen her at any rate.


dystopiadreams October 11 2011, 17:45:10 UTC
Well, fighting was one way to distract oneself when you were hating Vatheon for taking all your friends away. That, and Squall was here. It was almost a fright seeing him there, and she made a few quick steps for a hug, but she tripped over her own feet and ended up standing wobbly in front of him instead.

"Thanks! Wanna come get some cake with me?"


requiem_griever October 11 2011, 18:07:55 UTC
When Selphie stumbled Squall moved to catch her, but she caught herself in time.

"You sure you're okay?"

She looked...tired. He was too, though he was better at hiding it. Squall didn't want her to drag herself around if she needed some rest.


dystopiadreams October 11 2011, 18:12:50 UTC
Selphie laughed and held up a peace sign, sure proof that she was definitely okay. At least, she was okay enough to go sit someplace for cake.

"I'm ooo-kaay! So, you coming with?"

She smiled and tilted her head towards the little cafe close by.


requiem_griever October 11 2011, 18:20:55 UTC
To be quite honest, Squall wasn't really a sweets person. He often found them overly sugary and they just didn't appeal to him.

But, he didn't want to say no to Selphie, so cake it was. Just as long as there was enough water to wash it down.

"Yeah. Lead the way."


dystopiadreams October 11 2011, 18:27:26 UTC
Selphie smiled and skipped off into the cafe. She's been there so often in the past nine months that they recognise her and know her by name. So she waves and smiles at the staff, asking how they are, hoping that they're well after the attack. And she moved through the place to take a seat at her favourite booth by the window.

"We'll get a whole bunch of different kinds for you to try! They're so good!"


requiem_griever October 11 2011, 18:37:57 UTC
Squall was mostly silent as he followed her in. The staff seemed friendly enough, even more so when he told them he was there with Selphie. Once she had finished saying her hellos, he followed her to the booth, taking a seat and looking out the window. When she suggested getting so many cakes though, he had to speak up.

"Just one is fine." He was not going to do cake taste testing and Selphie could not make him. Nope.


dystopiadreams October 11 2011, 18:43:15 UTC
"Oh, okay!" The waiter came over to take their order, and Selphie ordered two cakes anyway - cause she'd eat one all on her own. And a pot of tea, and a jug of water. The waiter smiled at Selphie before looking at Squall with a bit of misgiving and disappeared to get their order.

"So..Squall! How's Rinoa? And your dad? And Irvine, and everyone?"

But she stopped, remembering what he'd said before, "Oh, but they'll be the same as I left them, right?"


requiem_griever October 11 2011, 18:52:26 UTC
He didn't really pay attention when the waiter gave him a look. Squall had always gotten looks from people ever since he was a child. He was, quite frankly, used to it by now. He almost started answering her questions. Rinoa's fine. Irvine's fine.

But wait, did Selphie just say...?

"What do you mean, 'my dad?'" he asked. Selphie knew he had no parents.


dystopiadreams October 11 2011, 18:58:54 UTC
"Sir Laguna! Is he -"

A thought suddenly occurred to her, like maybe... they were pulled from different time frames. It had happened here before, where people didn't even remember best friends or lovers when they met them, because they hadn't met them yet.

"Uh - Oh... Your dad... Uhm.. Laguna?"


requiem_griever October 11 2011, 19:09:40 UTC

Surely she wasn't serious, and the disbelief was clear on his face. Of course she wasn't serious. How could she even know if such a thing was true?

If this was supposed to be a joke, it wasn't funny.


dystopiadreams October 11 2011, 19:13:23 UTC
Uh oh! What was she supposed to do now? This was like him finding out all over again, only he hadn't found out in the first place.

The waiter came by and dropped off their stuff, and Selphie just forced herself into a slightly hysterical laugh. "Hahaha. Yeah.. Huh... Imagine... If..."

After all, what if they went home? What if he disappeared back to Balamb again - she didn't want to mess up the way stuff might happen. She sure didn't want to play around with time again.


requiem_griever October 11 2011, 19:22:49 UTC
She was serious. She was one hundred percent completely serious. Assuming that what she said was true (such a thought disturbed him), Squall was going to need some time to come to terms with this fact.

Like, a lot of time.

"How do you know this?"

He picked up his fork and stuck it into the cake, tearing off a small piece of it to eat.

It was good, for a cake.

Still too much sugar than he liked, though.


dystopiadreams October 11 2011, 19:26:21 UTC
Selphie picked up her fork and dragged it over the icing on her chocolate cake. She placed her cheek in her other hand, resting her elbow on the table. "I.. It was. Well, I mean. Like, I could totally have seen it... In a dream. Yeah! In a dream. Y'know those dreams? Yeah..."

And she'll just shut herself up by scooping a large amount of cake into her mouth.


requiem_griever October 11 2011, 19:34:09 UTC
That wasn't going to work on him. Even if that wasn't a blatant lie, she had sounded so casual and sure when she had asked him about Laguna. Therefore, she had to have some solid evidence. Right, now to pull it out of her. Squall took his time, taking another bite of cake before sipping some water. Time to use the Commander Voice.

"Tell the truth, Selphie. I know you know something."


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