Second Sandvich: Gentlemen.

Sep 09, 2011 19:54

Characters: RED Heavy and all of Vatheon.
Location: Plaza.
Time: Afternoon.
Style: Action, unless you want something different.

[Saluations, people of Vatheon. The hat curse has been quite interesting, has it not? This foriegner certainly is proof of that. Since he didn't feel like staying at an apartment, he moved into a hotel to plan his next move for a place to stay. And interesting thing, he found a very fancy looking top hat. Being who he is, he of course tried it on. He felt no different...orginally, but that changed. He noticed that his English had gotten better, and his manner of speaking had changed as well.

In fact, quite a bit of his personality had changed. So, you should notice the giant Russian man, wearing a top hat, monocle, and suit greeting random people and starting conversations with them, clearly proud of his new manner of speaking. Care to be one of those people?]

red medic, red heavy weapons guy

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