Jul 04, 2011 00:37

Characters: Denmark & Norway................& YOU LOT
Location: The Park
Time: Dawn
Style: Prose to start. I will follow.
Status: OPEN LIKE A [insert preferred metaphor or extended Shakespearean analogy]

There is a painfully bright neon pink pony in the park. Granted, it’s not a small one; its hooves are massive, its flowing mane thick enough to swim in. Correction: There is a huge neon pink pony in the park smoking a cigar. Another correction: He is trying to smoke the cigar with a slim margin of success. Denmark is quickly coming to realize the magic of human thumbs. And he is quietly lamenting his sudden loss of them.

But apparently he sparkles now. So in some manner of speaking, it was a fair trade.

“Nor,” the pony says suddenly in boombox quality, a whinny tinting its every word. “This is one of your worst ideas, my brother.”

Norway, being the handyman he was, had managed to encircle Denmark (after successfully distracting him with an orange, a pair of children’s craft scissors and a stuffed goose) in a fenced pen. Upon it is a sign that says: “PONY RENTAL. CHILDREN RIDE FOR FREE” (which Denmark was so close to making a horribly lurid comment about but not wishing to debase himself further in this state, stuffed his cheeks full of clovers and swallowed his complaints).

[ooc: Denmark is at current a My Little Pony you can come feed, pet, ride, torment, or debate with. Come braid his hair. Come taunt him with sugar cubes. You know what they say: Save a cowboy, ride a......country-turned-horse-type-thing?]

denmark, !curse: twenty one, norway

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