quest: calm the crazy endless.

Jun 08, 2011 21:27

Characters: anoldaspect and vatheon
Location: the lake!
Time: midday
Style: I'll follow you!
Status: SO OPEN, omg.

Death had been peaceful. It wasn't slow but it was gradual, losing himself as the aspect of Dream. He was, and then he simply wasn't, and that was fine by him - it was the end of an era, the end of centuries and centuries of work, and now it was a clean slate.

He was no longer an Endless. Not his essence. Not his core.

He was, however, extremely wet.

He opens his eyes at the bottom of a lake, wearing different clothes, stripped of his powers... and then a menu pops up in front of him.


He doesn't mean to use it five times, the lake exploding around him in steam and water shoots, and when the newly arrived Black Mage wades out of the lake with it raining down around him.

"Let. Me. Go."

This has to be a cage; it has to be. There's a bubble, just like before. His powers are gone, or replaced somehow, just like before... He should be dead. He should be gone. He should not be aware. What is happening here!?

Mana depleted, he's just about reduced to crawling and panting out of the lake, collapsing on the ground.

Come help?

dream (the sandman), mewtwo

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