
Jun 08, 2011 01:00

Characters: Tsukasa and vatheon
Location: Near the forest
Time: Near evening
Style: [Action]
Status: Open

[Tsukasa eyes his stats, hanging over his head, as he sits on a rock outside the forest.]

aurathread| Level 14
Class: Sage/Magic Knight
HP: 75% | MP: 47%

[... It was the latter part that was the problem. He's never played a physical class, and this armor that appeared on him... it's bulky. Almost too bulky, but he can't take it off. He'll just have to train, right?]

I have a quest in here... let's see...

[He pulls up the quest screen, and thinks.]

So one that has three bear pelts left, and one that needs four feathers...

[Maybe he'll move in a minute... he needs to rest.]

!curse: twenty, minato arisato, tsukasa

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