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May 17, 2011 14:45

Where in the world…?

Just as she utters her first words and sits up, she feels her clothes clinging slightly to her skin, the way they often do when they are wet or damp. She feels it everywhere, in fact, and, though she is mildly disgusted, she tugs at her pink cardigan with both of her hands, just to feel the moisture for herself. It takes a ( Read more... )

yukari takeba, ahiru, junpei iori, akihiko sanada, ryoji mochizuki, red (pokemon), minato arisato, takashi morinozuka

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Comments 147

aikurushii_ken May 17 2011, 19:57:57 UTC
"This is Vatheon."

Mori had been looking around the Plaza when he'd spotted the girl in a familiar drenched state. He recognized her as one of them many 'new arrivals' and decided he knew enough basics of this place to help her out.

"It's an underwater city."


garudyneinstyle May 17 2011, 20:14:54 UTC
An underwater--?

Yukari begins to repeat what she's heard, but suddenly stops, realizing she's no longer alone. She turns around to see him there, towering over her--and though she'd never admit it, she feels scared.

Right. I-I kind of noticed...

She looks up for a moment, as if to make sure all the water was still there. Then she turns her attention back to him.

Uhm, w-who are you? Do... do you know how I got here?


/tags and fails (Sorry ;-; ) aikurushii_ken May 18 2011, 01:48:10 UTC
Takashi Morinozuka....'Mori'.

This place pulled you here, no one knows why.

[He offers one hand to shake, the other in his pocket and he tries to reassure her with a small smile.]


!!! Nooo you don't! Mori is a man of few words :D garudyneinstyle May 18 2011, 01:59:38 UTC
She reluctantly takes his hand, and after realizing that he is a lot friendlier than he seems, her guard lowers a little and she grips more fully. She tries to smile back at him.

I'm Yukari. Um... you... er, you seem to know more about this place than I do. Do you know of a place I could dry off or something?

She wants to ask him about her friends. About how to get out of here. But she decides that maybe she'd be in a better state of mind to do so if she wasn't soaking wet.


akihikos May 17 2011, 20:15:17 UTC
[SUP. Akihiko's on a run when he encounters ....Yukari? He has to come to a stop and do a double take. Maybe triple.

Okay, that was Yukari.

He walks over to her, looking rather ... concerned.]

Yukari? You're here too?


haaaay 8D garudyneinstyle May 17 2011, 20:24:54 UTC
S-senpai! You're h--

Yukari stops, realizing she's only about to repeat what he just said. She feels slightly calmer, at least, seeing a familiar face. Whatever happened to her in that Abyss of Time, it seems, happened to him too. And maybe other members of SEES.

I mean... you... so it happened to you too? W-what are we doing here?

She looks up again. She can't seem to keep her eyes off all that water.


haaaaay~ akihikos May 17 2011, 20:29:50 UTC
It's called Vatheon, it's an underwater city.

[He looks around, sighing.]

We can't leave.


SORRY, HTML-FAILED ^^; *reposted* garudyneinstyle May 17 2011, 20:47:46 UTC
WHAT? W-what do you mean, we can't leave?!

Yukari stares at him. Studies him. Unfortunately, she's been around him long enough to realize that he's being serious...and right now, he definitely was. She runs a hand through her wet hair and sighs as well.

Figures. First trapped at the dorm, and now here. Is this nightmare ever going to end?

Yukari looks away, and she's not even sure if she's talking to him at this point, or herself.


Oh god I am TOO LAZY for prose. I am so sorry--so first. Yep. >> derparcana May 17 2011, 20:38:11 UTC
[ ... Which would be about when Ryoji pops up behind her, probably the worst idea he's ever had, but whatever. ]

It's not Junpei-kun's fault, he's from before us, there's some people who brought us here, I think? And then there's a bunch of other weird stuff, but I'm going to tell Minato-kun I was so right about everything, so he doesn't have to feel bad now, because he can apologize to you! He totally owes me a token for this!

[ Without even stopping to explain it well, he takes a breath... and then grins. ]

Welcome to Vatheon, Yukari-chan!

[ There's nothing new to report on this idiot. Except that he's wearing some yellow headphones and has a matching MP3 player now. And his scarf is yellow and blue, with a little infinity sign on it. ]


XD S'ok! Hope you don't mind if I stick with... whatever this style is! garudyneinstyle May 17 2011, 21:10:45 UTC
She's staring at him, dumbfounded as he attempts to explain things to her. Impossible things. He was speaking English, that was for sure, but it was like she wasn't processing a word he was saying. All she could do was stare, and when she finally did get a hold of herself enough to say something, her words were few.

...Ryoji-kun... what... how are you here...? Minato?

Okay. So she was processing choice words. Being selective.

...if this is a joke, it isn't funny!


... Whatever you're comfortable with. <33 derparcana May 17 2011, 21:22:00 UTC
... Oh. So you're from after everything, then...

[ A pause as Ryoji considers things. He feels kind of bad now; he'd been hoping she might not be. On the other hand, this gave Minato the chance to... apologize he'd wanted. ]

No, it's not a joke. Minato-kun is here too. This place takes people from all sorts of times and worlds, and realities, and that sort of thing. I don't know what you were doing before you got here, but this is just how this place is.

And we should get you dried off, everyone ends up soaked at first.

[ He is still fairly sure he knows all she's going to ask about is Minato, though, but hey. ]


<3 garudyneinstyle May 18 2011, 00:15:20 UTC

She's taken aback by his sudden seriousness at first. She hasn't seen him like that in a long time, and it was almost as if a part of her still saw him as the silly transfer student who always hung out with Junpei. She bites her lip, and her fists clench. She had no idea what he meant by 'everything'... just how much did he know, anyway?

Her heart skips a beat on hearing Minato's name, but she tries to stay cool and level-headed, taking in all of the information he was trying to give her.

Where... where is he then? Where are the others? How am I supposed to know what they know, what they don't know... if they even know me at all? How am I supposed to make sense of any of this?!

She places a hand on her head. It's getting harder and harder for her to keep calm, and at this point, she's not even sure she cares about her clothes.


lunateclock May 17 2011, 20:56:25 UTC
[As for Minato, he is in the same shape as always. Hands tucked into his pockets, slouching as per usual, headphones on and music playing, he strolls through the plaza and--


A pause, and he blinks, and then slowly removes his headphones. Well...a lot of this depended on what time Yukari was from, huh? And...all he could do was find out. And so he snags a towel on the way to greet his fellow SEES member.]



ohhh boy here goes! XD garudyneinstyle May 17 2011, 21:19:07 UTC
She knows that voice. She recognizes that voice--she would know it anywhere, that calm, serene way he said her name. Her heart was racing, as she tried to hold her composure as she turned to face him.

M... Min... but, I... I watched you. I saw you. I went... I went to your fu... your f...

She can't bring herself to say the words. She'd accepted that he was gone. She was moving on, or at least she was trying to, before all this mess happened. The Abyss of Time, and now this... this Vatheon? She is tired, tired of having to deal with all this. She falls to her knees again.

I...I don't understand why any of this is happening to me.

She wipes a tear from her face, refusing to let him see her cry.


Oh alksnldas poor Yukari. ;___; lunateclock May 17 2011, 21:26:44 UTC
[He's startled, not expecting that reaction at all--he has been lucky thus far, that all of SEES has been from before his choice, and now he realizes that very clearly.

Yukari was from after.

...How is he even going to explain this one?

He is quick, however, to kneel beside her, dropping the towel.]

...It's okay. I'm right here. You see?

[And he reaches out to put a hand on her shoulder, concerned, but also to show her that he's real.]


;_; she's so confused rn garudyneinstyle May 18 2011, 00:28:35 UTC
She feels his hand on her shoulder, and though she can't quite stop the tears from coming, her body relaxes. He has always had that effect on her: he was always the one that could make everything right, even when nothing around her made sense. Like now.

She turns to face him, and is forced to accept that he is real. He is there, in the flesh. Somehow. And rather than questioning it, she considers that maybe it's best if she just go with it. At least for now

I'm... I'm sorry. Thank you. I...

She swallows.

Um, are the others here, too?


Sooo. I have internet! For now! Therefore, I get to tag! :D homerunmagician May 18 2011, 01:32:35 UTC
[Luckily {unluckily?) for Yukari, Junpei happens to be on his daily babe-watch-walk and is passing by. Reacting to Yukari's voice on instinct, he shouts:]

What? I didn't do it!

[It finally hits Junpei that Yukari is here in Vatheon.]

Whoawoahwoah! Yuka-tan! Did you just get here or somethin'?


Squeee, Junpei! You should've seen the sadface I made when I saw your hiatus <3 Wb~ garudyneinstyle May 18 2011, 02:18:19 UTC
There you are!

Just as she thought. He is here. Yukari makes a disbelieving face at him, and folds her arms.

Of course I just got here. Why are you even surprised at this? ...and where is 'here', anyway?


Sorry for the wait. :( I only had internet for that one short bit. homerunmagician May 24 2011, 19:02:28 UTC
I dunno. People just kinda... show up here randomly.

Oh. Right. "Here" is Vatheon. [Junpei makes a grand gesture to everything around] Vatheon is this underwater bubble city. It's not really as cool as it sounds, though. The locals are kinda creepy, but everything's free. The only problem is, we don't get'ta choose when we go home. People come 'n go all the time here.


It's okay! :D I figured you were still hiatus'd hehe garudyneinstyle May 24 2011, 20:56:04 UTC
Show up here randomly. Right. She rolls her eyes and sighs. Are they always wet when they show up too?

She motions to her clothes, starting to wring out any of the water as she possibly can, becoming more frustrated. It's even worse when she finally starts squeezing it out of her hair. And everything being free-yeah, right. What kind of dream world is he living in, anyway?

And what do you mean, we don't get to choose when we go home? We can't just stay here!

...come to think of it, why is he talking like he's been here for ages?


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