Girls night

May 15, 2011 13:31

Characters: shard_finder and enduringslayer
Location: Sango's Apartment
Time: Saturday night
Style: Whichever you want lady but I'm starting in prose.
Status: Closed...Sorry Inuyasha and Miroku...its a girl's night, although crashing it might be funny.

Kagome smiled as she walked towards Sango's apartment. The lost of Nodoka had been hard, but she was glad that she had her best friend there. Sango would make her feel better and besides, there was still some things that she had to tell the other woman. As she walked towards Sango's residence, she wondered what she was allowed to tell her.

Sesshoumaru had returned to the Feudal Era and when he arrived on Vatheon, he had refused to tell Kagome what happened during his stay there. He had said that it was due to the fact that she had been there and she needed to live it herself. Should she tell Sango about Kagome's and Inuyasha's relationship? Even more important, should she tell Sango about how Miroku married her and they have children? She was pondering this when she arrived at Sango's door.

She tried to think of something else, since right now her thought bubble was filled with the memory of Sango, Miroku and their three children. She knocked and waited for the other woman to answer.

kagome higurashi, sango

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