Apr 19, 2011 14:44
The last thing he remembered was hearing that guy’s voice as he rested in the healing tank. A sense of calm washed across him for only a few moments. When he opened his red hued eyes again, the scenery was very wrong. He knew immediately he no longer was in the Makai world. His mind did leap to the possibility of a trap or spirit world. The shirtless fire demon leapt to his feet, his hand around the katana at his…
His katana was missing. It was likely with whatever remained of his personal affects after the battle. Hiei also noticed he had two tear necklaces. Mukuro, hadn’t listened when he said he no longer wanted it. He was soothed just a bit, as he touched the necklaces, but his expression remained serious.
The fool Koenma didn’t have any reason to keep Hiei on a leash. He had paid his debt and was free. Then he pondered the notion of a trap. Mukuro had no reason to trap him, and he hadn’t run across anyone who might want to trap him, or was foolish enough to think so. Hiei finally settled on examining the dome this town seemed ensnared by. He was smart enough to know not to try to attack it, since the water on the other side hinted it could very well kill him and anyone else inside this prison.
Anyone passing by would be greeted by a three eyed, shirtless guy with a dragon tattoo wrapped around his arm. With every second that passes, he was drying thanks to the fire energy he was releasing.
((OoC Note: His Jagan is purple, while his eyes are red. For those who can sense energy, he will be letting out just enough to get dry, and to bait his possible "captives". And I'm down for anything.))
hiei jaganishi,
yusuke urameshi,