→ second gig | You can keep your Cenozoic but I'll take the Mesozoic

Apr 03, 2011 01:45

Characters: ninthserenade & vatheon!
Location: Pirate ship/Barrier!
Time: morning/noon
Style: any, starting in third \o/
Status: Open!

To say things weren't beginning to look up for Demyx wouldn't be too far from the truth. He was out of that ridiculous cast, he could finally start giving Arpeggio some well-needed attention, his buddy and old roommate was back and he even remembered this place (always a plus in his book), and he was munching on some jerky he grabbed from the plaza before he started to head towards the ship. For awhile he didn't pay the dinosaurs too much mind; they were keeping to themselves except for the braver, more curious ones. Because of this, the Nobody didn't notice the odd creature following him at a distance, obviously drawn to the scent of the dried meat that he was carrying.

Today he was just planning on doing a little fish-watching, maybe even see if he could find a weak spot somewhere just for kicks. That plan is quickly punted out of a 20-story window and into a busy highway filled with angry motorists when a rather... Large shadow cruises by overhead, leaving him in complete shock. The Pedeticosaurus clearly takes advantage of his stunned silence to scramble up the back of his coat and up over his shoulder to start stealing pieces of jerky from the container in his hands.

"Holy crap."

That. Is one big fish.

And that oversized lizard is still perched on his shoulder.

jack sparrow, haruhi fujioka, minato arisato, rainbow dash, chel, demyx

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