Alice ♦ oo1

May 05, 2010 20:56

Characters: Alice and YOU
Location: The Middle District. On one of the roofs near the shopping area.
Time: The afternoon. Could be at about 3:00pm or 4:00pm.
Style: Whatever you find more comfortable. I don't mind both.
Status Open!

If you would spare a moment raise your eyes upward, or perhaps you hanged around the same roofs as she did, you would meet a somber yet irritable looking Alice gazing down upon the streets busy with locals and whatever other "foreigners", such as she herself, passing by. Her legs idly swaying over the edge of the said roof and the heels of her white boots making soft clacking noises against the wall of the building. Soft enough not to disturb anyone, not that Alice cared either way.

Nestled at her side was a paper bag brimming with red apples, that one of the local shopkeepers was "kind enough" to provide her completely for free. Imagine that? And really, that was one of the very few uses the locals had in her eyes, since except for providing food and offering her directions around the place they were useless. Not to mention their outright refusal to offer her any information on how to get out of here whatsoever. She'd been close to smacking some of the once or twice for a good measure, but let it pass, for now. The locals did treat her with proper respect she deserved, after all.

It is also worth mentioning that the rabbit no longer occupied one of the trees in the park as her nest for spending the night. One of the locals had noticed whilst taking an evening stroll through the said park noticed that and quite distraught with the prospect instantly offered her a room in one of the apartment buildings. Alice had no reason to refuse, truth to be told she was quite thankful and she did thank him, in her own unique way - with a pat on the head and a declaration that 'Mistress Alice' was very pleased with his performance and that he can be dismissed now. That was, of course, after he had volunteered to escort her to the apartment building in question - The Vita Apartments. . . Fine. Maybe the locals were not as useless as she had initially judged them to be, but there was still something off about them. Her instincts whispered it to her.

As for her progress in locating any of her friendservants? No luck whatsoever. Which is the exact root reason for her currently somber mood. No luck in locating a way out of here either, which only added to it.

And so Alice sat there, on that edge of the roof above your heads. Eating apples and trying not to miss the trash can not a long distance away after she was done with each of the fruits. It was good practice and helped her unload a little bit of frustration along with it. It wasn't guaranteed that she didn't miss a time or two though. So look out for those flying apple cores! 
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