(no subject)

Mar 15, 2011 21:07

Characters: M'gann M'orzz (bioship) and ???
Location: The plaza
Time: Mid afternoon on the 16th
Style: Either/Or; I'll be doing action spam
Status: OPEN

[Most of the time, when M'gann was excited or in a hurry, she flew places. Not only did it get her to wherever faster, but it was an easy enough feat that it freed up her mind for other things such as focusing on where she was headed or thinking about what to make for dinner. Soup or salad and the like.

Despite that quirk of hers, the Martian wasn't in a hurry or that excited today. Instead, she was flying around the park trying to get her mind cleared. A few laps in, however, she realized that this strategy wasn't going to be of much use at the moment. The more she flew, the antsier she got, which led her to the conclusion that maybe staying still was a good answer.

That brings her to the plaza, where M'gann is hovering in midair, situated in a sitting position just a few feet to the left of the great Lamufao. Her eyes are closed, and her hands are on her knees. breathing steadily, she floats, bobbing up and down very slightly. Hopefully this will offer some peace of mind.]

kenshin uesugi, m'gann m'orzz

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