003 ♑ Eyes

May 04, 2010 00:21

Characters: Eyes and uh, ANYONE really
Location: In some side street near the library.
Time: Late-afternoon ish
Style: First =3

[If the coral had been the source of not only that damn music that had followed him around a while back (that trashy pop music that Kanone had played on loop once - Kanone had insisted that it suited him ( Read more... )

klavier gavin, eyes rutherford, neku sakuraba

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... Oh Eyes. guiltyguitar May 5 2010, 22:02:21 UTC
[ ... Klavier was seriously not expecting this. But because he's such a do-gooder... a small sigh. The duties of a prosecutor aren't ALWAYS glamorous. ]

You know, Herr Cardboard, I knew you were stiff... but not THAT stiff.

[ Now, he's going to help you up. The benefit to being a grown man... a strong, GERMAN grown man, is lifting large guitars, women, and in some cases other men off the ground with minimal effort, though if you drool on his jacket, he won't be happy. And finally... he's going to deposit Eyes on a nearby bench. ]

... You weigh nothing. How fitting; do you melt in rain, too?


lol Klavier. Way to ruin his dignity forever =( driedfisheyes May 6 2010, 01:46:04 UTC
[He hears you =| And would like you to know that he really doesn't appreciate being called Herr Cardboard. But by this point, all he feels is the heaviness of his limbs and he can't help but be reminded of that time in the airport.

...He's no child, Klavier. He would never drool on your jacket. He does wish that you would put him down though. A grumble, a noise of discontent. This is the single worst day for his dignity. Give him a moment to rouse himself here.]

Humans don't melt.


He's really good at that--just ask Apollo! guiltyguitar May 6 2010, 17:01:44 UTC
No, they don't. Their hearts, however, are an entirely different story~

[ He's going to go easy on you today, because he feels sorry for you. ]

Guten tag. Have a nice sleep? Passing out in the middle of the street--and I thought I was overworked.


sdfklsdfj /SO SORRY FOR SLOW TAGS driedfisheyes May 7 2010, 13:35:20 UTC
[That goddamn feeling of lethargy is still there but it seems like a bout of being -_____- has driven it away some. So he'll be sitting upright now...and gets as far as supporting his head by resting his elbow on his knee. Giving you looks askance, now.]

...nothing to do with being overworked.


don't worry about it |Da guiltyguitar May 7 2010, 20:49:38 UTC
Well, out with it then. I don't care what trouble it causes you, I'm sure touching that coral is the only way to fix it. [ He has a mischievous grin. :D ] Plus... mess with it enough, and it really jerks Herr Docktor's chain.

[ He pauses, and smiles. Because he still thinks Eyes is a smart boy, but ttly innocent... so... ] And I'm assuming you wouldn't want to see THAT suspicious man anytime soon, ja? He just makes my prosecutor's instincts want to interrogate him... he'd be a pain in the ass as a witness. I can sense it.

[ He's actually slightly worried about dear old Alphy enough that he's basically saying, "Look, just stop being stubborn or you'll end up in his care, which is far worse." AKA doing his prosecutorial duty and being the good guy and telling you not to be an idiot. ]


...wtg lj. broken notifs =( driedfisheyes May 7 2010, 22:41:07 UTC
[...he hears you. You may notice that he visibly reacts to the word coral, tensing up before his body relaxes again.

...That Doctor Alpha person. The cause for the mass collapse a while back. He...would be the next front of attack...

Ghh...his attention was drifting again.]

[There had to be] Something...other than the coral...

[His guard is horribly, horribly down right now. You can be annoying, Klavier, but you've never been a real danger.]


... so apparently notifs are lower fat than posts :| guiltyguitar May 8 2010, 00:04:26 UTC
[ Luckily enough for you Eyes, Klavier is anything but a true danger. The opposite. He's a morally good person who could never just let someone be like this. ]

Hey. No choice. You're coming with me.

[ And Eyes, he's serious and will be picking you up again. Your dignity might never recover, but he prefers that YOU do. Taking you to the Coral now. ]


>_> /punts eljay driedfisheyes May 8 2010, 00:14:46 UTC
[ Right. Until you find out that the explosion-- I mean!

Just. Flail because that's human nature when you're picked up and restrained.]

Put me down. Now. [...because he's totally threatening when he's being carried like a big baby.]


... lmfao the image of this is hilarious guiltyguitar May 8 2010, 18:07:08 UTC
[ Nope. He's not listening. In fact, he's listening so badly he's not even going to answer now. In fact, he's not going to answer until he's forced your hand on the stuff. :3c ]

Because your plan worked SO well, Cardboard. Passing out in the street like that... anyone ever tell you how stubborn you were? That won't get you ANYWHERE.


Quick, someone take a picture! ...Eyes will have no dignity forever. driedfisheyes May 8 2010, 18:16:03 UTC
[Just. Struggling. God. Damn. It.

Anddddddd, the moment he makes contact with the damn thing he feels the strength flow back through his limbs, that lingering headache disappear, and the lethargy that's been plaguing him for a week or so seep away.

Which also means he's good enough to get the hell out of there and stand on his own two feet.


Doing nothing gets us nowhere as well.


PAPARAZZI IN VATHEON Klavier would apologize since they follow him everywhere :3c guiltyguitar May 8 2010, 19:02:49 UTC
Of course not.

[ ... Klavier isn't going to show any interest or anything, but he's happy you're okay now. ] I take it you're unhappy with the situation? And not doing anything?

[ This is actually more of a loaded question than Eyes may realize. Even though he doesn't suspect him, Klavier still feels as though their investigation was unsolved. Sure, he knew Matthew and the Cheshire were behind it now, but it left a sort of... bittersweet part to things. He didn't feel like he knew who planned it... ]


THAT SHOULD BE A JOB. A tabloids magazine mmm~ driedfisheyes May 8 2010, 19:22:37 UTC
[The thing about sudden rejuvenation is that it takes time for thoughts to unscramble, so he doesn't suspect you of fishing. Hands in pockets, Eyes leans back against the fountain, and regards you seriously. And he has a pretty serious look for an 18 year old.]

It's difficult to be happy having been not only kidnapped, but to have your very livelihood depend on a piece of coral.


... tabloid reporters--PFFT guiltyguitar May 8 2010, 19:56:41 UTC
[ Klavier is a fairly perceptive person, so he's noticed. Though it's hard to blame anyone, this situation wasn't exactly ideal. ]

You sound like... [ Oh, never mind. He doesn't need to know he sounds far too much like Kristoph to him. He sighs. ] ... Ja, well, it is difficult. Do you think anyone would be happy in such a situation? A wanted fugitive, perhaps, but... if we're to get anywhere, it'll be through cooperation.

We don't know how anything is working exactly, here--that's true, and it bothers me just as much--but neither do we know if what they're saying is truly a lie. You have to understand both sides... you know?

[ ... And Klavier is done his speech, but he doesn't look very impressed. He isn't sure what to think about Eyes, but he's sure something's affected the kid. ] ... And gott, don't be so stubborn--it isn't like we have a choice. ... But then, I suppose you'd rather have slipped into a potential coma? That's a stupid move I wouldn't have expected from you, on your part.


and they could write jucy gossip about. idk. naoya and joshua hooking up >3 driedfisheyes May 9 2010, 00:52:08 UTC
[You talk a lot. He leans back a little further, tips his head back, closes his eyes against the sea above him as you talk. A wanted fugitive, huh. If only you knew, Klavier.

Sometimes he wonders if you might know more than you're letting on, but truthfully, he doubts it.

He'll be looking at you again, piercing blue eyes and all.]

If we're to understand both sides then I would like to know more about the other side.

[pause. Stubborn? Hnnh.]

People don't change fate by walking away from the issue.


... I. I wish. ;x; pfft guiltyguitar May 9 2010, 06:09:19 UTC
[ No, he doesn't know much more, and he might have a slightly suspicious nature, but he really doesn't believe anything's truly wrong here. He just thinks Eyes is frustrated, which is understandable. Still. ]

... Mm. So would I. But the 'issue' hasn't been walked away from. If it were taken more seriously...

[ He crosses his arms, and a hand finds its way around his belt loop and the chain belt he uses with his pants. It matches his necklace--it's a theme thing. ]

You make this difficult on yourself. More than it has to be. Jeez, I sound like Kris...

[ Klavier is just going to sigh... but he is treating how Eyes feels quite seriously, of course. ] It bothers you, doesn't it? Be honest.


...Vatheon doesn't have enough potential tabloid-y couples yet =( driedfisheyes May 9 2010, 15:44:45 UTC
We change things when they're pushed to the limits. Even if no walking away is done, standing and observing is useless. [Goddamn Watchers. Tch. Even if the battle was long done with and there was no doubt Kirie had provided a tremendous amount of support, Eyes had never shook off the ill feeling towards the Watchers, just mere despicable humans, even if he no longer articulated as such.

Eyes straightens, walks forward a step or two, hands still tucked in his pockets. The cafe he works in is on the other side of the plaza - he watches as a person exits a store, another thanking them for their patronage: just people.]

It bothers me? [He'll turn to look at you now, Klavier.] What bothers me?


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