003 ♑ Eyes

May 04, 2010 00:21

Characters: Eyes and uh, ANYONE really
Location: In some side street near the library.
Time: Late-afternoon ish
Style: First =3

[If the coral had been the source of not only that damn music that had followed him around a while back (that trashy pop music that Kanone had played on loop once - Kanone had insisted that it suited him just fine. Apparently this city agreed.), blatant personality changes (that he had managed to avoid by not touching the damn thing), and various other grievances but was also possibly linked to that incident of him passing out at the piano (it was a possibility. That coral was suspect.) then he would see how long he could last without touching the thing. A co-worker had mentioned that he appeared exceedingly lethargic and did touching the coral not fix it and oh dear if it hadn't perhaps he should visit Dr. Alphy Alpha?

Eyes had, well, brushed it off. Because he was going to see just how long he could avoid the damn thing. Which was why, well, he was now collapsed on his way back home from the library. Sheer exhaustion, really.

Help him/stab him/talk to him/abuse him?]

klavier gavin, eyes rutherford, neku sakuraba

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