03. Because you guys look like you need it.

Feb 25, 2011 08:28

Characters: xlillackeykitty & vatheon
Location: That little jazz bar at Nostalgia Nook
Time: Afternoon/Evening
Style: Any but starting in third
Status: Open like a margarita, bb ( Read more... )

maya amano, asato tsuzuki, luka redgrave

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C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER. Hey. Hey Luka. pssst-- dualpinkpistols February 26 2011, 23:31:00 UTC
[ Pffff, drinking? No way! That's not her thing. Instead, she's heard about another Journalist here, and after asking the right questions and beating out the right answers, Maya found herself here.

Oooh, it was jazz, huh? Place sure was fancy. She'll wait. So, yes. This perky woman with pink eyes and long black hair, a pencil behind her ear, a notebook, with a heart top on is waiting at your counter. But not for a drink. ]


8D <3 xlillackeykitty February 27 2011, 05:27:00 UTC
[ And he looks up after downing his glass of scotch. Heh. Newcomer at the bar. Normally, he probably would've said hi when she first came but he hasn't really been Mr Sociable lately.

Anyway, Cereza's decided to pad over and give Maya a sniff. Hope you like cats. This makes Luka look up at glance over at her direction. ]

Want a drink?


<333 dualpinkpistols February 28 2011, 05:04:28 UTC
[ She grins. A kitty! She adores animals, so she has no problem with it. She even attempts to pet the cat. ]

Oh, I'm actually not here for that. I heard from someone that you're a journalist as well?


:Db xlillackeykitty February 28 2011, 15:39:56 UTC
[ And Cereza likes the attention, causing her to nuzzle ever so slightly against Maya's hand. Luka meanwhile is amused by all this, watching them both. ]

You must be one yourself if you've managed to find that much out. What can I do for you?


dualpinkpistols February 28 2011, 21:54:22 UTC
It wasn't hard! You're looking at Kismet Publishing's ace reporter for Coolest, after all! Maya Amano. Nice to meet you. ♥

[ She grins. The cat continues to get pettings, because she likes cats, even as she speaks. ]

I'm hoping to start an edition of my magazine here, like back home! I think it might be fun to actually get another journalist's opinion on what might be needed to do that in Vatheon. Besides, you're sort of my senior, right? I figured you'd probably know who to talk to.


xlillackeykitty March 1 2011, 00:33:51 UTC
[ Oh he liked this girl. He regards her with a small yet very amused smirk. ]

Well, you're kind of out of luck. Can't say I've found a printing press around here but we have a radio station. My...

[ He pauses, trying to find the word. ]

partner kind of disappeared. Probably went home and I may need a hand running it. Think you're interested?


dualpinkpistols March 2 2011, 06:38:13 UTC
[ Maya perks up. ]

I'd love to help you out. But I'm sure I can find some manner of print or something. Maybe I can send it digitally, if nothing else! The technology here seems to be pretty new compared to what we've got back at home, but not so much that it'll be hard for me to sit down with a new computer and work with it.

Maybe if I talk to some of the locals they'll give me some new leads.


xlillackeykitty March 2 2011, 09:55:40 UTC
[ And this sends him thinking. ]

Well, maybe you could do something with the communicators to send news to the others who came here?

I'm more used to print myself...

[ Suddenly, a memory. ]

You know, there used to be a guy named Leon here. He shared information with me, things we found out about the city. Tell me if you want in on that.


dualpinkpistols March 2 2011, 14:27:50 UTC
Leave it to a fellow journalist to know just what I'm searching for! You BET I want in on that, Luka-san, wasn't it?

[ She's got this LOOK in her eyes. ]

I want to know every little thing I can dig up about Vatheon, and then I want to let everyone else know, too!


1/2 xlillackeykitty March 3 2011, 04:33:48 UTC

You know, that's exactly what I wanted to do the minute I got pulled in here. You've got yourself a deal, Maya. If I find out anything new, you're going to be the first to hear about it.


2/2 xlillackeykitty March 3 2011, 04:34:32 UTC
And yes, it's Luka.

[ His name. You used it. He loves you forever now. ]


[1/2] dualpinkpistols March 3 2011, 06:43:13 UTC
[ Not in Vatheon! :D ]

Mind if I call you Luka-kun?

[ Still grinning. ALWAYS grinning and happy and positive. ]

Thanks for that! I appreciate your help. And I'm sure I'll be able to find something to print my magazine with--I'd like to write and report on everything in Vatheon from the fashion scene to current events. I mean people here are from totally different worlds, too! That means there is also a totally different scene back in each of their respective homes and realities, right? I'm certain people will love reading about the differences between cultures, worlds, realities, AND timelines!

It's really exciting!


[2/2] dualpinkpistols March 3 2011, 06:45:34 UTC
Speaking of, you'll let me help with your radio station thing, yeah? Well, I can totally help you manage it! It'll be fun! But I think it might be fun, too, if I have my own thing for it, y'know? Like... maybe interviews, or a spotlight each week on someone? The people like us here.

[ A self-assuring nod before she continues. ] You know, other foreigners?

[ This could be the start of a beautiful friendship, she thinks. ]


xlillackeykitty March 4 2011, 12:28:04 UTC
[ Oh yes... oh yes indeed. Nothing like an enthusiastic fellow journalist to blow wind back into this derailed Cheshire's sails. He can't help himself but smile as Maya throws this all at him. Ah, its good to have that drive back. ]

I was mostly handling the news... but there were some other people who wanted to chip in and host their own shows. I did need someone else to do interviews for me.

[ And he taps his finger on the bartop. ]

If you find anywhere to print a magazine, I'd be more than happy to throw some pictures in. That's what I used to do back home. Freelance work.


Hate you too notifs dualpinkpistols March 10 2011, 08:08:32 UTC
[ She looks excited. ]

You bet! There's nothing you can't do when you put your mind to it, right? You've gotta "Think positive," after all!

[ ... Her eyes light up even more. ] Ooh, you're a photographer? That's just like Yukki!


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