First article ❤ I will cling so stubbornly to life.

Feb 18, 2011 01:13

Characters: Maya Amano and vatheon
Location: The Middle District, market area, near a seafood vender... and just wandering around, really.
Time: Early afternoon... ish.
Style: [ First please! ]. I cannot even write prose
Status: OPEN like a magazine!
Other: tl;dr warning Serious spoiler warning for the end of Persona 2: Innocent Sin goes here.

... Welp. )

maya amano, mion sonozaki, anthony j. crowley, yuu kanda, dave strider, minato arisato

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/TOTALLY FIRST YEP >>;;;;; lunateclock February 18 2011, 19:03:11 UTC
[...Yeah, okay, seeing someone new covered in blood is rather unusual even for him. She seems alright, but--]

Seafood would be free here, but...Are you all right?


THIS ICON ISN'T EVEN EXCITED ENOUGH dualpinkpistols February 19 2011, 00:53:08 UTC
... All the better. Come on!



WHOO EXCITEMENT lunateclock February 19 2011, 01:35:34 UTC

...He is curious, though. Besides, she said 'come on'; who is he to refuse? And so he follows, looking around the small seafood restaurant for her.]


She is the epitome of excitement dualpinkpistols February 19 2011, 03:08:35 UTC
[ She's sitting at a table, smiling. Not caring about the looks she gets--she pats the seat next to her. ]

Over here. Why don't you sit down with me?


She is. Poor Minato has no idea. lunateclock February 19 2011, 03:13:18 UTC
[...why not? After all, it'd be rude to turn down a blunt invitation.]

You're new here, aren't you? You've...taken it very well.

[He says this even as he sits, of course.]


... |D HE WILL. dualpinkpistols February 19 2011, 04:20:26 UTC
[ She smiles. ]

No use panicking, right? "Let's think positive!" Besides, it's not like I've got much to worry about now, anyway.


...AWESOME lunateclock February 19 2011, 04:27:42 UTC
[...She's a pretty cool lady, he has to admit that. Except. "Not much to worry about now"? For some reason, that sets off warning bells.]

I'm sorry, but...Do you mind if I ask what you mean by that?


<333 dualpinkpistols February 19 2011, 05:05:25 UTC
[ ... Ah. ]

... You're telling me this isn't some really bad, aquatic afterlife?


lunateclock February 19 2011, 05:10:58 UTC
[...ahh. As he thought.]

Not exactly, no. Some others...were killed before they arrived here. But most arrive from when they are still alive.

[He takes it calmly, at least?]


dualpinkpistols February 19 2011, 05:53:02 UTC
[ Well. That's good. ]

Well... then if that's settled, I really hope you don't mind? I haven't eaten all day.

[ Death is exhausting. Who knew? ]

Haha, I never thought I'd be making my own headlines. "Maiyan oracle fulfilled; the world ends." I wonder if they're alright...


lunateclock February 19 2011, 06:09:40 UTC
[The waiter comes and takes their orders and heads out. And Minato is quiet for a long moment, just looking at this new, rather unusual and apparently dead woman.]

...Friends of yours?


dualpinkpistols February 19 2011, 06:29:42 UTC
O-oh, look at me, being so depressing! Right... "Think Positive!" I'm sure they're fine!

[ She smiles. ] You could say that! It was a real trip! But... I knew they were good kids from the start.


lunateclock February 19 2011, 06:40:00 UTC
It's understandable, though. I worry about the people I care about who are back home as well, but...we have to have faith that they'll pull through.

[...a slight smile at that, and a nod.]

It sounds like you did a good job of looking out for them.


dualpinkpistols February 19 2011, 06:53:11 UTC
... You're a good kid too, you know? Artemis tells me so.

[ She refuses to let herself be down. ]

It's not often I've run into other Persona users. I wonder what the odds were? On the subject--I'm Maya Amano! Nice to meet you!


lunateclock February 19 2011, 07:04:55 UTC
[...Huh. He's a little surprised, both that she has a Persona, that she can sense his, and that she would speak about it so candidly--]

It's nice to meet you too, Amano-san. My name's Minato Arisato.

[A thoughtful pause.]

You can sense my Persona, then?


dualpinkpistols February 19 2011, 07:19:03 UTC
Of course. You mean you couldn't tell I had my own, Minato-kun? You seem a little surprised.


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