※-oo1; Underestimation

Jan 16, 2011 13:18

Characters: Yuri and You?
Location: The Park
Time: Midnight -> Early Morning
Style: Any!
Status: Open

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yuri lowell, saya minatsuki, raven, flynn scifo

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thricemade January 16 2011, 08:16:31 UTC
[ And as more pirates arrive, Yuri might notice a few falling to the ground with arrows sticking out of certain parts of their bodies. Out from the shadows steps Raven, looking quite smug as he moves to stand beside Yuri. ]

It's about time you got here, kid. Where've you been?


delinquenthero January 16 2011, 10:13:30 UTC
[An unexpected development--the Old Man was here, too. He could tell just by the voice. With a slight turn, he relayed the smug look right back at his friend.]

Well, if it isn't the Old Man. Not too bad. Broke some bones in the coliseum.


thricemade January 16 2011, 10:17:20 UTC
[ ... The coliseum, hm. That had been quite a while ago - seems like Yuri was from the past. Raven was almost thankful. ]

Looks like you're feelin' better. [ He twists himself, shooting down another pirate. They're just getting plain annoying now. ] Wanna find yourself a weapon?


delinquenthero January 16 2011, 10:26:50 UTC
I've seen worse days.

[It came off so smooth and naturally, but... it was kind of a lie. He wanted to ask Raven what the hell was going on, but not being one for overreactions, he decided to can it until later.]

Could just use this one. [He bent down and picked up a sword from one of the fallen pirates.] ... Still no idea how it didn't hurt me before, but it'll do.


thricemade January 16 2011, 10:29:31 UTC
We both have.

[ Raven's response is a little more tense, a little more guarded. He doesn't like it here; he doesn't like that he's seen ghosts that he never wanted to see again. Still, he smirks when Yuri grabs the sword. ]

You're lucky, remember? Lucky and cursed.


delinquenthero January 16 2011, 10:34:09 UTC
If I had to count the ways, we'd be here all night. [With a swift duck and kick, he trips a pirate that had tried to sneak up behind him.]


thricemade January 16 2011, 10:35:56 UTC
[ Raven bites back a laugh, shaking his head instead, and steps forward. His bow transforms into a knife with a flick and he cuts down a pirate. ]

Oh, I should probably tell you - welcome to Vatheon.


delinquenthero January 16 2011, 10:41:01 UTC
Vatheon, is that what you call this place? [He half-jokingly muttered:] If this happens often, I want out.


thricemade January 16 2011, 10:45:25 UTC
Yeah, apparently. I dunno much about it - only got here a little while ago myself. [ A sigh and he hangs his head a little. ] Pirates are new, but I've seen ghosts before.


delinquenthero January 16 2011, 10:50:30 UTC
[A trace of solemnity in the older man's voice. ... Curious.] Yeah? Did they try to kill you then too?


thricemade January 16 2011, 10:53:44 UTC
The ghosts? Nah. They were just bad memories, that's all.


delinquenthero January 16 2011, 11:00:52 UTC
... [He kept quiet for a few seconds, before slashing at yet another pirate.] Well, you promised you'd live your life as Raven now, right? So keep being that cheerful old geezer Brave Vesperia loves to make fun of, and forget about it.


thricemade January 16 2011, 11:11:09 UTC
[ And that draws a laugh out of him; thanks, kid. ]

Sure, sure. You need someone to make fun of, right?

[ He goes back to the slashing of pirates. ]

We should get you to the safe house. Flynn will be lookin' for you.


delinquenthero January 16 2011, 11:34:08 UTC
That, and I don't need to be near someone glum over his past.

[His smile faded with the Old Man's next statement. Flynn's here too? The face he gave Raven said it all; a faint hint of disbelief, and... whether or not he was relieved or worried upon learning that was debatable.]

... Flynn, huh. Alright, I guess I'll have to face his being worried sooner or later.


thricemade January 16 2011, 12:04:44 UTC
Nice to know you care.

[ Raven watches his face nervously. He knows Yuri well enough to work out his expression somewhat. ]

It'll be a nice change to have him worry about you instead of me.


delinquenthero January 16 2011, 12:33:52 UTC
[Yuri could have easily gotten into an rant then and there how the past shouldn't matter, but with the realization his life wasn't nearly as complex as the Old Man's... it would be out of line. And now would be a bad time. So he decides to keep quiet. Inwardly, he chuckles at the thought he was being concerned. He surprised himself, there.]

Saying that as if I can't take care of myself?

[He sounds a tad annoyed, but being aware of his own trouble-making, he follows his remark with a quiet, but sincere laugh.]


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