※-oo1; Underestimation

Jan 16, 2011 13:18

Characters: Yuri and You?
Location: The Park
Time: Midnight -> Early Morning
Style: Any!
Status: Open

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yuri lowell, saya minatsuki, raven, flynn scifo

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Comments 34

sweeperesque January 16 2011, 07:41:45 UTC
[Sorry Yuri, were you planning on toughing it out alone? Not happening. Someone's been battling pirates for the last couple nights and she's all gung-ho to lend you a hand. A gunshot rings through the air and the blade will now be knocked out of the first pirate's hands and into the air.]

Even yet?

[She decides it's not, opting for kicking that one in the gut. There's a comfortable grin set on her face as the rest of them approach.]

Grab the sword and lend me a hand here, fella!


delinquenthero January 16 2011, 10:05:11 UTC
[Well, there goes his self-imposed challenge. Whatever, Yuri didn't have time to be immature, now that he knew these ghost pirates were in fact real threats.]

Nice timing.

[If he had to be honest, he was a tad disappointed, but he shrugs it off with a prompt slash struck down the ghost behind him.]

Hm, do I have a choice with that?

[He faintly smiles, running to the side of the helpful stranger.]


sweeperesque January 17 2011, 01:20:31 UTC
[She reacts immediately, turning a bit so that they're back to back. Returning that smile, she proceeds to disarm the remaining pirates with a ricocheting shot. It's her specialty~]

Seeing as you seem to know your way with a sword, I may have to insist this time around.


delinquenthero January 17 2011, 08:57:20 UTC
Ha, let's get to it then!

[Twisting his wrist and alternating between tightening and loosening the grip on his sword afterward, he waited for another few to come closer before lunging at them.]


thricemade January 16 2011, 08:16:31 UTC
[ And as more pirates arrive, Yuri might notice a few falling to the ground with arrows sticking out of certain parts of their bodies. Out from the shadows steps Raven, looking quite smug as he moves to stand beside Yuri. ]

It's about time you got here, kid. Where've you been?


delinquenthero January 16 2011, 10:13:30 UTC
[An unexpected development--the Old Man was here, too. He could tell just by the voice. With a slight turn, he relayed the smug look right back at his friend.]

Well, if it isn't the Old Man. Not too bad. Broke some bones in the coliseum.


thricemade January 16 2011, 10:17:20 UTC
[ ... The coliseum, hm. That had been quite a while ago - seems like Yuri was from the past. Raven was almost thankful. ]

Looks like you're feelin' better. [ He twists himself, shooting down another pirate. They're just getting plain annoying now. ] Wanna find yourself a weapon?


delinquenthero January 16 2011, 10:26:50 UTC
I've seen worse days.

[It came off so smooth and naturally, but... it was kind of a lie. He wanted to ask Raven what the hell was going on, but not being one for overreactions, he decided to can it until later.]

Could just use this one. [He bent down and picked up a sword from one of the fallen pirates.] ... Still no idea how it didn't hurt me before, but it'll do.


chivalryphoenix January 16 2011, 16:38:24 UTC
[It's a shame Lady Estellise isn't here for any quick healing, so suck it up with the slow healer that is Flynn. He spots Yuri, and notices the injuries first. The gold light of his healing spell charging surrounds him, and when it's ready to be released--]


[Flynn has no idea how badly his friend's injured, and decides it better to be safe than sorry. After the healing, he rushes into combat beside the raven-haired man, sword drawn. Though relieved to see his friend here, it's a bad time to arrive here without a weapon.]

Think you can deal with a pirate sword for now, Yuri?


delinquenthero January 16 2011, 23:02:50 UTC
[Surprised by the familiar feeling of getting healed by an arte, he turns to the very familiar voice.]


[Well, if Yuri knows anything, it's that Flynn's the ultimate team player, with the artes he's learned. Slow healing or no, he's grateful to have him around.]

... I was told you would be waiting at a safehouse. Got antsy?


chivalryphoenix January 17 2011, 01:32:24 UTC
Not quite. I was out looking for people in need of help getting to the safehouse.

[True, he works effectively in a pinch. Flynn gives him a curious look.]

I take it you just got here in Vatheon? A shame you did not have a warmer welcome.


delinquenthero January 17 2011, 09:11:23 UTC
If that's how it's going to be, I'll help out then. Not like you'd expect me to sit still while things like this happen.

[In response, Yuri crosses his arms, not looking upset in particular, but he definitely agrees that he could have come at a better time.]

Doesn't give the place the best of impressions, that's for sure.


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